Elderly Leisure

Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

The teaching and learning methodologies assume an active, participative, and dynamic character, integrating a combination of systematized expositions of information with critical analyses; elaboration of activity proposals and small projects, participatory observation, research and grounded critical reflection; presentations and discussion of papers, among other diversified activities.

Students may choose one of two possible assessment modalities: continuous and final exam.

Continuous assessment includes the quality of the individual contribution of participation in activities within the curricular unit (50%) and a group assignment (50%: written work (25%) and Presentation and Discussion (25%)).

The exam is presented in the form of written test without consultation.

Learning Results

1. To Know and master concepts, fundamentals, values, principles, strategies and practices in education and socio-cultural/socio-educational intervention.

2. To provide learning experiences to/with elderly people and maintain/promote a rich and stimulating environment.

3. To support the elderly to plan their healthy and active ageing strategies, promote new interests and activities, stimulating physical and mental vitality, to their development and social inclusion.

4. To plan and develop socioeducational activities with elderly people in a local community.


1. Elderly Socioeducational Intervention   

1.1 Concepts, principles, objectives, methodologies, strategies and techniques

1.2 Space and time of education, learning and leasure, diversity and flexibility of contents, instruments and learning techniques

1.3 Contexts/institutions/ services of non-formal education and Socioeducational Intervention

1.4. Planning and development of socioeducational activities with elderly

1.5 Socioeducational intervention projects  

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

  • - Exam - 100.0%
Continuing Evaluation
  • - Individual and/or Group Work - 50.0%
  • - Attendance and Participation - 50.0%




Bastos, M.; Faria, C.; Pimentel, M.; SILVA, S. (2019). AgeNortC: Capacitar para a 4ª idade. Manual de práticas de base comunitária. IPVC.

García, L. (2010). Envejecimento activo y actividades socioeducativas con personas mayores. Madrid: Panamericana.

Jacob, L. (2013) Animação de Idosos. Porto: Mais Leituras.

Lima, M. (2006). Posso Participar? Actividades de desenvolvimento pessoal para idosos. Porto: Ambar.

Martins, E. (2013). Gerontologia & Gerontagogia e Animação Sociocultural em Idosos. Lisboa: Cáritas.

Serrano, G. (2008). Elaboração de Projectos Sociais. Porto Editora.

Silva, S., et al. (2015). Ambientes amigos das pessoas idosas… In J. Pereira, M. Lopes, & T. Rodrigues, Animação Sociocultural, Gerontologia, Educação Intergeracional. Chaves: Intervenção.

Soeiro, D., Parreiral, S. & Patrão, C. (2020). Animar com o coração: planear uma sessão de animação socioeducativa com (e para) pessoas de idade avançada in Barradas & Oliveira, Aprender, Envelhecer, Ser… Lisboa: Alma Letra.