Electric Power Systems Control and Operation

Base Knowledge

Recommended basic knowledge

There are no special requirements applied to this subject because it belongs to the first term. However, students should preferably possess knowledge of three-phase systems and phasors, differential equations, matrix algebra, computer programming, power electronics and a basic understanding of electrical machines and transformers.

Teaching Methodologies

Academic methodology

The objectives of the course have been customized to help students learn to locate relevant information, to evaluate and organize this information, to develop a critical reflection and constructive dialogue. The teaching methodologies follow a temporal sequence that enables students to acquire theoretical knowledge in the main themes of the subject. The course promotes active and collaborative learning that enables the students to develop the interpersonal skills and attitudes required in a world that is increasingly pluralistic and complex.

The class practice and laboratory work are designed to involve most of the concepts and to obtain a wider knowledge. This approach ensures that students perform activities based on the concept of laboratory to demonstrate and ensure full understanding of the objectives of knowledge, theories previously learned in classes. Students have weekly voluntary support through instructor’s office hours.

The numbers of hours assigned to this subject are divided in “Presential work” and “Non-presential work”. The “Presential work” hours are divided in lectures, class practice, laboratory, group tutoring and evaluation sessions. Concepts stated in lectures must be applied to solve different types of problems or developing computer projects in practical classes. The group tutoring sessions will be used to discuss about the theoretical concepts explained in lectures or their application in computer laboratory. Seminars are also planned during the semester.

Learning Results

Competences and Learning Outcomes

This course provides students with skills related to the operation and control of an Electric Power Systems as well as a comprehensive view of all the problems and tasks involved. The course also provides students with an understanding of the technologies used in electrical power systems. The students will be able to recognize the problems which may occur during the operation and control of power network and propose solutions to correct those problems in order to improved electricity service with better continuity and quality of supply.

Competences and learning outcomes that the students are intended to reach through the oriented work in the subject:

• Project, design and management in the scope of the course topics.

• Writing, communicating and presenting scientific documents to specialists, within the scope of the contents of the Electric Power Systems Control and Operation subject.

• Identify, formulate and solve engineering problems.

• Know the characteristics and behaviour of power electronics and renewable energy systems.

• Manage, design, implement and maintain electric power systems.

• Design and conduct experiments and to analyse and interpret data.

• Practical and experimental verification of monitoring and controlling electrical energy conversion systems, including safety operation of electric systems.

• Technical-economical-environmental regulations and directives in different scopes (local, regional, national, European, …), which are applied to power systems.

• Technical design aspects that depend on strategic, socio-politic, economic and environmental concerns.


Contents of the subject:

1. Introduction to the Electric Power Systems Control and Operation. System operation control centres: overview of power system operation and control, modern control centre attributes, control centre redundancy configuration and design details. Technology for power system monitoring: System Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA), Energy Management System (EMS) and Distribution Management System (DMS).

2. State Estimation in Power Systems: introduction, power system state estimation, maximum likelihood Weighted Least-Squares estimation, matrix formulation, state estimation of an AC network, state estimation by orthogonal decomposition. Detection and identification of bad measurements, estimation of quantities not being measured, network observability and pseudo-measurements, Phasor Measurement Units (PMUS).

3. Electricity Production from Renewables. Wind and Solar Power in Portugal. Development of the renewable energy sector in Portugal. Power Quality in Electrical Power Systems.

4. Power Electronics and Renewable Energies. Power Electronics and Wind technologies. Power Electronics and PV installations. Requirements from PV and MPPT, the importance of the converter choice for maximum power point tracking. Inverter grid requirements. Main aspects to consider based on a PV installation requirment: islanding, isolation and power quality.

Curricular Unit Teachers
