English III

Base Knowledge

The student must have level B1

Teaching Methodologies

Textual comprehension: multiple matching, sentence completion, multiple choice, gap-filling, etc.

Listening comprehension: multiple matching, note taking, True/False, comprehension questions.

Speaking: role play, working in pairs

Learning Results

1) Improve linguistic skills to a B2 level;

2) Improve the linguistic accuracy of written and oral expression;

3) Write a simple article;

4) Use appropriate language in a formal letter/email;

5) Write a critical analysis of a reading/movie;

6) Prepare students for the Cambridge University First Certificate B2 level external examination in English;

7) Express technical analysis orally.




Skill 1- Knowing the proper language for a formal letter in English;

Skill 2 – Prepare outlines and rough drafts before a final written work in English;

Skill 3 – Write a simple abstract with clear and correct language in English

Skill 4 – Write a critical analysis of a reading/movie in English;


Revising the main points of grammar and how the language works: past tenses, false friends, relative clauses. Vocabulary consolidation: phrasal verbs, word formation. Developing reading comprehension: multiple matching, reading between the lines, gapped text, multiple choice. Improving listening skills: multiple matching, note taking, True/False, comprehension questions, gap filling. Familiarising with academic and commercial writing: an article, a critical analysis of a book or film, a formal letter. Improving speaking skills: comparison and contrast, discussion, role play, description.


Curricular Unit Teachers




The material will be provided by the teacher during the lessons.