Base Knowledge
Teaching Methodologies
The teaching/learning methodology aims at facilitating the integration of contents by the students. The course contents will be developed through active and expositive teaching methods, through: a) theoretical sessions (under the responsibility of the teacher); b) theoretical and practical sessions where the active participation of the student becomes important so that learning is meaningful, enhancing the critical thinking and the ability to adopt effective practices. The evaluation will be done by choosing one of the following possibilities:
1- Continuous/periodic assessment: a) participation in the realization of group works, in the course of classes: 10%
b) a final group work to be presented in class (respecting the previously constituted groups): 30%
c) A written assessment test based on the syllabus: 60%. (minimum score of 7 points)
2- EXAM: will consist of an individual written test: 100%
Learning Results
The curricular unit aims at developing the following competencies:
– Know how to use instruments to identify individual and organziational training needs.
– To conceive, manage and evaluate training programs.
At the end of the semester, the students must be able to:
– to conceive the diagnostic, the planning and development process underlying training programs.
– To perform training actions plans starting from a training needs diagnostic.
-to conceive a training plan
– Follow the development and evaluation of the training plan
– Know the certification mechanisms and skills validation acquired as part of the educational process
– Know the international programs and incentives related to the training and acquisition of skills in the organizational context
1. introduction to the study of Asset Formation
2. The integration of training as an element of the organization’s strategic development
3. The training, the human resource management strategy and skills management
4. Diagnosis and assessment of training needs: Relevance and instruments (DATN)
5. Training cycle and its steps
6. Methods and techniques of training
7. Training Platforms: from b-learning to e-learning
8. The importance of evaluation of the training process
9. Entities responsible for the certification of training processes
10. The incentive systems for training
Curricular Unit Teachers
Grading Methods
- - Exam - 100.0%
- - Frequency - 60.0%
- - Individual and/or Group Work - 30.0%
- - Attendance and Participation - 10.0%
Bancaleiro, J. (2008). Gestão de activos humanos no século 21. Lisboa: Rh Editora.
Barata, J., & Alves, S. (2005). Gestão da formação. Lisboa: Fundação para a Divulgação das Tecnologias de Informação.
Cardim, J. C. (2012). Gestão da Formação nas Organizações- A formação na prática e na Estratégia das Organizações (2º Edição). Lisboa: Edições Lidel.
Hart, L. B. (1991). Métodos de formação que funcionam. Métodos e estratégias inovadoras de formação. Lisboa: Monitor.
Landy, F. J. Conte, J.M. (2019). Work in the 21st Century. 6º th Edition. United States of America: Wiley
Rodrigues, M., Ferrão, M. F. (2012). Formação Pedagógica de Formadores- Da teoria à Prática. Entidades Publicas e Privadas. E-formação e e-Learning (10ª edição).Lisboa: Edições Lidel
The Future of Jobs Employment, Skills and Workforce Strategy for the Fourth Industrial Revolution (2016). World Economic Forum.