Enterprise Management and Entrepreneurship

Base Knowledge

Agro-forestry sciences and mathematics

Teaching Methodologies

The development of the theoretical component is carried out using the expository method, using participatory exposure strategies, case studies, practical examples, solving individual or group exercises. To complement this U.C. seminars will be organized with guest speakers, in particular, on entrepreneurship.
Group preparation of a business plan in the agro-forestry business area is the practical part of which obliges the student to apply the knowledge acquired in a case that can be carried out and with which he can participate and are encouraged to do so in the different competitions. development of ideas and business, opened throughout the year by various public and private institutions. The ability to work in groups, the innovation capacity, leadership and the ability to make use of theoretical skills acquired are evaluated through the preparation, presentation and defense of the business plan

Learning Results

aster the concepts of the firms and the principles for its management; It distinguishes the juridical-economic forms of the firms and interconnects the concepts of human behavior and the types of structures; Identifies and applies the principles of stock management. Knows the systems of production planning. It diagnoses the economic and financial situation of a company and proposes measures to overcome possible identified weaknesses. Know marketing techniques to promote and promote your products and your activity;
Mastering the technical and analytical skills to identify and create new businesses with visibility and growth potential and to master the theoretical, methodological and analytical tools that allow to investigate the problem of entrepreneurship in its multiple aspects. Understands the fundamentals of the Business Plan and the moral values of the business


Companies. Organizational Structures. Organizational behavior.
Material Resource Management: basic variables of inventory management and control – the ABC system and the economical quantity to order “Wilson’s Formula,”. Method without discount and with quantity discount.
Production Management: choice of production process, production planning. PERT / CPM method and just-in-time philosophy.
Financial Resources Management: financial function and financial analysis, financial analysis base documents, analysis methods and techniques – the ratios method, analysis of the financial balance of profitability.
Marketing Management: Strategic Marketing, Marketing Mix and the importance of market studies.
Entrepreneurship: business ideas and opportunities, funding sources, formalities for start-ups, business plan, and investment appraisal criteria. Ethics and Deontology in the Company.

Grading Methods

Avaliação continua
  • - Avaliação 1: teste escrito - 30.0%
  • - Avaliação 3: Trabalho e apresentação - 40.0%
  • - Avaliação 2: teste escrito - 30.0%
  • - Avaliação 1: teste escrito - 60.0%
  • - Avaliação 2: Trabalho e apresentação - 40.0%




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