Base Knowledge
Natural Sciences and Social Sciences (e.g., Anthropology, Geography, History, Sociology)
Teaching Methodologies
In this course classes will be taught by a teacher of Social Sciences and another of Natural Sciences thus supporting integrated analysis, debate, research and reflection . In order to enable an understanding of the local, regional and national levels, to promote field trips and study visits. Evaluation will take into account the performance of individual master’s students, including their attendance, motivation, participation and critical reflection (20%), or the preparation of documents (40%) to be presented and discussed in class (40%). Aspects such as structure and organization of information, recipients’ adequacy and work goals, language used, quality and correctness of scientific information will be valued.
Learning Results
Understand the inherent dynamics of natural and social processes contextualized in time and space.
Recognize the importance of protection, conservation and enhancement of natural and cultural heritage.
Develop a realistic perception and conscious of the situation of the planet to take and promote responsible attitudes and commitments, socially just and ecologically sustainable
Recognize the diversity and complexity of human body in its biological, social, cultural and historical dimensions and potentialities.
1. Perception of Nature and Society during Humanity History
2. Natural and cultural heritage
3. Sustainability and development
4. Complexity of Being Human
Curricular Unit Teachers
Grading Methods
- - Exam - 100.0%
- - Attendance and Participation - 20.0%
- - Document's presentation and discussion - 40.0%
- - Documents elaboration - 40.0%
Clarke, P. (2012). Education for sustainability: becoming naturally smart. New York: Routledge
Martins,I.; Veiga,L.;Teixeira,F.;Vieira,C.;Vieira,R.; Rodrigues, A.; Couceiro, F. e Sá,P.(2010). Explorando… Sustentabilidade na Terra. Guião Didáctico para Professores.Vol.7. Lisboa: ME/DGIDC.
Martins,I.; Veiga,L.;Teixeira,F.;Vieira,C.;Vieira,R.; Rodrigues, A.; Couceiro,F. e Sá,P.(2012). Explorando…A Complexidade do Corpo Humano.Guião Didáctico para Professores. Vol.8. Lisboa: ME/DGIDC.
Portugal/ME (1998) A História na Educação Básica. Lisboa: ME/DGE
Roa, M.L. (2009). Environmental Sciences. Activities, ready-to-use Lessons, Labs & Worksheets for grades 7-12. 2nd Edition. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass
Roldão, M. C. (2001) Estudo do Meio no 1º Ciclo. Fundamentos e Estratégias, Lisboa, Texto Editora