Environmental Studies II

Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

In this course classes will be taught by a teacher of Social Sciences and another of Natural Sciences thus supporting integrated analysis, debate, research and critical reflection and integrated themes that mobilize knowledge about sustainability and development as well as the complexity of being human, particularly in the biological and cultural dimensions.
Continuous/periodic assessment will take into account the performance of individual master’s students, including their attendance, motivation, participation and critical reflection (20%), or the preparation of documents (40%) to be presented and discussed in class (40%). Aspects such as structure and organization of information, recipients’ adequacy and work goals, language used, quality and correctness of scientific information will be valued.Evaluation by exam (100%) will be made through written and oral test (only if the classification 8 or 9 points).

Learning Results

Develop a realistic perception and conscious of the situation of the planet to take and promote responsible attitudes and commitments, socially just and ecologically sustainable;
Recognize the diversity and complexity of human body in its biological, social, cultural and historical dimensions and potentialities.


1. Development and Sustainability
2. Complexity of Being Human

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

Continuing evaluation
  • - participation and critical reflection - 20.0%
  • - presentation and discussion in class of the written documents - 40.0%
  • - written documents - 40.0%
  • - Exam - 100.0%




Clarke, P. (2012). Education for sustainability: becoming naturally smart. Routledge
Diemer, A.; Marquat, C. (Dir.) (2016). Educação para o desenvolvimento sustentável. Desafios e controvérsias. Instituto Piaget
Martins, I. et al. (2012). Explorando… A Complexidade do Corpo Humano. Guião Didáctico para Professores. Vol.8. ME/DGIDC.
Martins, I. et al. (2010). Explorando… Sustentabilidade na Terra. Guião Didáctico para Professores. Vol.7. ME/DGIDC.
Medeiros, C. A. (Dir.) (2005). Geografia de Portugal. 5 Volumes. Círculo de Leitores.
Stibbe, A. (2009). The handbook of sustainability literacy. Skills for a changing world. Green Books.
UNEP, CDB & OMS (Eds.) (2015). Connecting Global Priorities: Biodiversity and Human Health A State of Knowledge Review. UNEP
UNESCO. (2017). Educação para os Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável: Objetivos de aprendizagem. UNESCO.