Base Knowledge
Teaching Methodologies
The approach of all equipment used in the different modalities of Medical Imaging and Radiotherapy (listed in the syllabus) will allow the student to know and understand the equipment and its image acquisition and treatment mechanisms, as well as the associated safety rules. This curricular unit will allow students to learn about the evolution of technology and reinforce which technologies are under development that can contribute to optimising the performance of their professional practice.
Learning Results
The student must acquire knowledge of:
• Equipment used in Medical Imaging and Radiotherapy.
• Components and instrumentation of Medical Imaging and Radiotherapy equipment;
The student must acquire skills in:
• Distinguish the different equipment, imaging technologies and use of ionizing and non-ionizing radiation;
• Reasoning regarding new equipment technology;
The student must acquire skills of:
• Describe the characteristics and function of each Medical Imaging and Radiotherapy equipment;
• Develop the perception of space and safety standards inherent to the use of Medical Imaging and Radiotherapy equipment;.
The student must acquire knowledge of:
• Equipment used in Medical Imaging and Radiotherapy.
• Components and instrumentation of Medical Imaging and Radiotherapy equipment;
The student must acquire skills in:
• Distinguish the different equipment, imaging technologies and use of ionizing and non-ionizing radiation;
• Reasoning regarding new equipment technology;
The student must acquire skills of:
• Describe the characteristics and function of each Medical Imaging and Radiotherapy equipment;
• Develop the perception of space and safety standards inherent to the use of Medical Imaging and Radiotherapy equipment;
Instrumentation, operation and image acquisition principles of equipment:
• General Radiology (Fixed and Portable)
• Mammography
• Fluoroscopy
• Osteodensitometry
• Computed Tomography
• Ultrasound
• Magnetic Resonance
• Dose Calibrator, Geiger-Muller Counter, Well and Probe Counter
• Gamma Camera, SPECT, PET, Hybrid Equipment (SPECT/CT, PET/CT and PET/MRI)
• Simulator
• Linear Accelerators
• Brachytherapy
• Special Techniques: Tomotherapy; Gamma Knife; CyberKnife.
Technological evolution of each equipment and comparison of existing models and their added value in the process of obtaining medical images and carrying out treatment
Curricular Unit Teachers
T. J. Bushberg, J. A. Seibert, E. M. Leidholdt, J.M. Boon, The essential physics of medical imaging (2002), 2nd Edition, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins BRONZINO, Ed. Joseph,
Taylor & Francis, The Biomedical Engineering HandBook (2006), Second Edition, Boca Raton: CRC Press LLC; 978-0-8493-2121-4
J. Conceição Mealha, Física e Tecnologia dos Equipamentos de Diagnóstico e de Radioterapia, Lisboa,2000
BUSHONG, S. – Radiologic Science for Techonogist (2004), 7a Edição, St. Louis,
EIRAS, Margarida ; CUNHA, Gilda ; TEIXEIRA, Nuno – Radioterapia : fundamentos e aplicações clínicas. Loures : Lusodidacta, 2015. XVIII, 269 p. ISBN 978-989-8075-52-9
MEALHA, J. Conceição – Física e tecnologia dos equipamentos de diagnóstico e de radioterapia. Lisboa : Universitária, 2000. 338 p. ISBN 972-700-264-1
LIMA, Adriano Pedroso de [et al.] – Física em medicina nuclear : temas e aplicações. 1a ed. Coimbra : Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra, 2008. 566 p. ISBN 978-989-8074- 26-3
ZIESSMAN, Harvey A. ; O’MALLEY, Janis P. ; THRALL, James H. – Nuclear medicine. Fourth Edition. Philadelphia, PA : Elsevier/Saunders, cop. 2014. xi, 452 p. ISBN 978-0- 323-08299-0