Base Knowledge
Basic knowledge is not required.
Teaching Methodologies
The teaching of the curricular unit is based on theoretical-practical classes aimed mainly at solving exercises and analyzing case studies in order to provide a more practical view of theoretical concepts, as well as instigating the initiative and participation of students.
1. Verbal Methodologies (say) / Intuitive Methodologies (show), Exhibition, Explanation, Dialogue. The Exhibition Methodology, using audiovisual media to explain the programmatic contents.
2. Active Methodologies (do), Case Study. Active Methodology, through the resolution of practical cases and discussion of case studies and scientific articles.
3. Collaborative methodologies, through group work.
Learning Results
• Apply theoretical and practical knowledge, related to planning models that enable an optimization of business efficiency and effectiveness.
• Explore in a participatory way the options of strategic management, through the treatment and debate of cases of the national and international business environment, deepening the capacities of analysis, structuring and formulation of management solutions.
• Develop appropriate, dynamic and flexible strategic attitudes, training the mechanisms of observation and analysis that underpin decision-making processes.
• Apply environmental and company analysis methodologies in order to support a decision on the most appropriate strategy for a given company.
• Apply methods and procedures to formulate and implement strategies.
• Identify strategic alternatives and their compathization with the Organization’s Vision, Mission and Values; Policies; Strategic objectives and strategic goals; key performance indicators.
• Apply strategic analysis instruments and implement strategies at the business level.
• Apply methodologies and techniques for industry, environment and competition analysis.
• Decide on strategic options at organizational, business, internationalization and cooperation level
• Operationalize models and techniques of analysis, formulation and implementation of the strategy;
• Solve practical cases and analyze case studies on strategy and competitiveness;
• Make strategic decisions in an organizational context;
• Work in groups, study independently and communicate clearly.
I. Chapter – The Business Strategy
1. Key strategic management concepts
2. Schools of Strategic Thinking
3. Strategic planning
4. The context of competitive advantage
II. Chapter – Perspectives for strategic analysis
1. Strategic analysis: Analysis of the internal and external environment
2. Analysis of the external environment
2.1. Analysis of the contextual and transactional environment
2.2. Industry and Market Analysis.
3. Analysis of the internal environment
3.1. Analysis of the company and resources
3.2. The company’s competitive position
4. Strategic adequacy: SWOT Analysis
III. Chapter – Strategic formulation
1. Vision and Mission, values, policies, strategic objectives
2. The formulation of the organization’s strategies, internationalization, cooperation.
3. Business strategies vs. corporate companies,
4. Definition and choice of strategy
4.1. Product/Markets Strategy
4.2. Vertical Integration Strategy
4.3. Internationalization Strategy
4.4. Diversification Strategy
4.5. Business Development Strategy
5. Preparation of the company’s Strategic Plan
IV. Chapter – Implementation, evaluation and control of the strategy
1. Evaluation and control of the strategy
2. The formal strategic process: Planning and allocation of resources
3. Impact of strategy on organizational structure
4. The balanced scorecard – strategy mapping
Curricular Unit Teachers
Grading Methods
- - Trabalho de grupo ' estudo de caso - 30.0%
- - 1 frequencia escrita - 35.0%
- - 2 frequencia escrita - 35.0%
- - exame/prova escrita - 100.0%
António, N. S. (2006). Estratégia organizacional: Do posicionamento ao movimento (2.ª ed.). Edições Sílabo.
António, N. S. (Coord). (2012). Estratégia organizacional: Do mercado à ética. Escolar Editora.
Barney, J. B., & Hesterley, W. S. (2010). Strategic management and competitive advantage: Concepts and cases. Pearson.
Cardeal, N. (2015). Pensamento estratégico: Antecipar as ondas de futuro (2.ª ed.). Universidade Católica Editora.
Carvalho, J., & Filipe, J. C. (2014). Manual de estratégia: Conceitos, prática e roteiro (4.ª ed.). Edições Sílabo.
Dess, G., Eisner, A., Lumpkin, G., & McNamara, G. (2013). Strategic Management: Text and Cases. (7th edition). New York: McGraw-Hill.
Freire, A. (2008). Estratégia – Sucesso em Portugal. Lisboa: Editorial Verbo.
Freire, A. (2020). Estratégia: Criação de Valor Sustentável em Negócios Tradicionais e Digitais. Bertrand Edidota.
Grant, R. (2013). Contemporary Strategy Analysis: Text and Cases. (8th edition). West Sussex: John Wiley & Sons.
Porter, M. E. (2017). Estratégia. Actual Editora.
Reis, L. (2008). Estratégia Empresarial: Análise, Formulação e Implementação. (2.ª edição). Lisboa: Editorial Presença.
Santos, A. (2008). Gestão Estratégica: Conceitos, Modelos e Instrumentos. Lisboa: Escolar Editora.
Serra, F., Ferreira, M., Torres, M., & Torres, A. (2010). Gestão Estratégica Conceitos e Prática. (2.ª edição). Lisboa: Lidel.
Teixeira, S. (2020). Gestão Estratégica. (2.ª edição). Lisboa: Escolar Editora.
Thompson, A., Peteraf, M., Gamble, J., & Strickland, A. J. (2015). Crafting & executing strategy: The quest for competitive advantage: Concepts and cases. McGraw Hill.