Ethics and Citizenship

Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

Active Methodologies: lectures and discussion; simulation of situations aiming at promoting the student’s personal and social development; group work and cooperative learning; work sheets; research projects; classes with studnts presenting their work; non-formal methodologies aiming at promoting active social participation and co-responsibility on the learning process.


Assessment: final exam (written test) or frequency evaluation; this is composed by the elaboration and presentation of a work on themes of the syllabus; group work students’ provision is differenciable.

Learning Results

Competencies: Students are supposed: to be able to evaluate (to conceptualize, to judge, to reason) based on values; to be able to act responsibly and engagedly, as an autonomous being; to be able to see themselves as persons and citizens; to be able of respect and empathy, recognizing the Other as the ethical instance for action; to be able of acting with justice and solidarity and to understand the common good and the right/ value of the Other; to like diversity, to communicate listening attentively the other’s point of views.


1) Basic concepts: Values, Ethics, Morals and Deontology

2) The debate between Freedom and Responsibility

3) Democratic and plural citizenship

4) Current ethical/ moral problems and dilemmas    

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

  • - Exam - 100.0%
Continuing evaluation
  • - individual and group works - 100.0%




AAVV (2018). Ética e rigor na escrita académica. Coimbra: CINEP.

Bengoa, J.; Carvalho, R.; Dupouey-Sterdyniak, V.; Kallipoliti, M; Pazderski, F.; Pisauro, A.; Rosenkielde, J.; Rodrigues, M; Sadowski, P.; Sestovic, V.; e Shepherd, A.  (2015). Active citizenship for the common good: The active citizenship footprint. London; Bruxells: Volunteurope.

Brander, P.; Keen, E.; Lemineur, M.-L. (Ed) (2002). Compass. A Manual on HRE with Young People. Estr.: COE Pub.

Brander, P.; Keen, E.; Lemineur, M.-L. (Ed) (2016). Compass. A Manual on HRE with Young People. Estr.: COE Pub.

Galvão, P. (2015). Ética com Razões. Lisboa: FFMS.