Ethics and Deontology

Base Knowledge

The basic knowledge recommended in this course unit is associated with the ethical analysis of accounting information and critical judgment in its interpretation based on accounting regulations and standards.

Teaching Methodologies

Theoretical-practical classes, with theoretical exposition of the syllabus, accompanied by the resolution of practical cases particularly suitable to complement the problems developed in the theoretical exposition.

Learning Results

The professions of manager, accountant and auditor aim to manage according to information and guidelines, that is, to report the position and financial performance of a particular entity and whether this report conveys a true and appropriate image of that same performance. In this way, they are professions that support decision-making and, as such, must be based on principles of responsibility, trust and ethics towards society. In the context of the regulation of ethical behavior in the professions, codes of ethics and deontological codes emerge, with the aim of determining the way in which professionals should conduct themselves in the exercise of their functions. Studies point out that learning ethics improves the perception of ethical behavior and this is the main objective of this curricular unit. Thus, at the end of this curricular unit, students should know the ethical foundations inherent to the profession of accountant, manager and auditor and, for this purpose, be sensitized to the behaviors associated with these professions.

For this purpose, they should be able to establish a relationship between these same behaviors and the principles and norms of ethics and professional deontology, established in the regulations that govern the different professions.





Chapter 1 – Ethics, Customs and Morals

1.1 – The concept of Ethics

1.2 Customs and Morals

1.3 Ethics versus Customs and Morals


Chapter 2 – Evolution of the concept of Ethics

2.1 – Oriental Antiquity

2.1.1 – Egypt

2.1.2 – Babylon

2.1.3 – India

2.1.4 – China

2.2 – Classical Antiquity

2.3 – Medieval and Renaissance Ethics

2.4 – Ethics in the Modern and Contemporary Age


Chapter 3 – Codes of Ethics: What they are and what they are for

3.1 – Structure of Codes of Ethics

3.2 – Implementation of a Code of Ethics




Chapter 1 – Deontology

1.1 – The Concept

1.2 – Professional Public Associations


Chapter 2 – Codes of Ethics

2.1 – Deontological codes or rules of professional practice

2.2 – Code of Ethics of Certified Accountants




Chapter 1 – Professional Orders and the Order of Certified Accountants

1.1 – Professional Orders

1.2 – The Order of Certified Accountants

1.2.1 – The Order and Profession of Certified Accountant

1.2.2 – The Commissions

1.2.3 – Professional specialty colleges

1.2.4 – The Insignia

1.2.5 – Internal Bodies – Representative assembly – General Electoral Assembly – The Chairman – Board of Directors – Jurisdictional Council – Fiscal Council


Chapter 2 – The Certified Accountant

2.1 – From Bookkeeper to Certified Accountant

2.2 – General Deontological Principles of the Certified Accountant

2.3 – Functions of the Certified Accountant

2.4 – Functions of the Public Accountant


Chapter 3 – Certified Accountant Activity

3.1 – Exercise of the Activity of Certified Accountant

3.2 – Identification of the Certified Accountant

3.3 – Beginning and Termination of Functions

3.4 – Alternate certified accountant

3.5 – Fair impediment to exercising the activity of certified accountant


Chapter 4 – Rights of Certified Accountants

4.1 – The rights of the Certified Accountant before the OCC

4.2 – Rights of the Certified Accountant before other public entities

4.3 – The rights of the Certified Accountant towards the client

4.3.1 – Technical independence

4.4 – Fees

4.5 – Termination of Services

4.6 – Refusal to close the accounts for the year


Chapter 5 – Duties of Certified Accountants

5.1 – General duties of the Certified Accountant before the OCC

5.2 – The duties of the Certified Accountant before the Tax Administration – relations with public and private


5.3 – Reciprocal Duties of the Certified Accountant

5.4 – Return of documents

5.5 – Professional Training

5.6 – Professional advertising

5.7 – Participation in public crimes

5.8 – Duty to prevent and combat money laundering and terrorist financing

5.9 – The Duty of Professional Secrecy


Chapter 6 – Disciplinary Responsibility and Subsidiary of Certified Accountants

6.1 – Disciplinary responsibility

6.1.1 – Disciplinary Violations

6.1.2 – Exercise of disciplinary power

6.1.3 – Proceeding of the Disciplinary Action

6.1.4 – Incidents in disciplinary proceedings

6.1.5 – Disciplinary sanctions

6.1.6 – Mitigating and Aggravating Disciplinary Violations

6.1.7 – Prosecution, Defense and Trial

6.1.8 – Suspension of Registration and Disciplinary Registration

6.1.9 – Appeals from suspension and expulsion decisions

6.1.10 – Review of Disciplinary Decisions and Rehabilitation of the Certified Accountant

6.1.11 – Prescription of disciplinary sanctions

6.2 – Subsidiary liability




Chapter 1 – Statue of the Portuguese Institute of Statutory Auditors

1.1.The Portuguese Institute of Statutory Auditors

1.2.Internal referendums

1.3.Scope of Statutory Auditors’ Activities

1.4.Professional Statute: Rights and Duties

1.5.Incompatibilities and Impediments


1.7.Statutory Audit firms

1.8.Admission to the Profession

1.9.Obtaining, suspension and dismissal of the Statutory Auditor status


 Chapter 2 – Code of Ethics of the Portuguese Institute of Statutory Auditors

2.1. Scope of application

2.2. Fundamental principles

2.3. Threats and safeguards

2.4. Independence

2.5. Documentation

2.6. Final dispositions




Chapter 1 – Ethics and Management of Organizations

1.1 – Ethics in the Business World

1.2 – The role of Ethics in the Company

1.3 – Managers, and Decision Making based on Ethical Conduct

1.4 – The Code of Ethics as an instrument to legitimize Conduct

1.5 – The Internalization of Ethical Culture

1.5.1 – Corporate Governance

1.5.2 – Management Instruments


Chapter 2 – Ethics and Public Management

3.1 – The Role of Ethics in Public Management

3.1.1 – Ethics in Public Administration

3.1.2 – Ethics in Portuguese Public Administration

3.2 – Flow of values in the Public Administration

3.3 – The Ethical Leader & Decision Making

3.4 – Ethical infrastructure

3.5 – Codes of ethics and conduct 

Curricular Unit Teachers




Fundamental Bibliography

 Código Deontológico dos Contabilistas Certificados (CDCC) (2022).

Estatuto da Ordem dos Contabilistas Certificados (EOCC) (2022).

Código de Ética dos Revisores Oficiais de Contas (CEOROC) (2011).

Estatuto da Ordem dos Revisores Oficiais de Contas (EOROC) (2021).

Notes provided by the teacher.


Complementary Bibliography

Decreto-Lei n.º 265/95, de 17 de outubro. Diário da República n.º 240, Série I-A.

Decreto-Lei 452/99, de 5 de novembro. Diário da República, N.º 258, 1.ª série- A.

Decreto-Lei 310/2009, de 26 de outubro. Diário da República, N.º 207, 1.ª série.

Decreto-Lei n.º 4/2015, de 7 de janeiro. Diário da República, 4/2015, Série I.

Decreto-Lei n.º 192/2015 de 11 de setembro. Diário da República n.º 178/2015, Série I.

Decreto-Lei 330/90, de 23 de outubro. Diário da República n.º 245/1990, Série I.

Declaração de Retificação n.º 176/2020, de 27 de fevereiro. Diário da República n.º 41, Série II.

Matos, C. G. (2016). “A responsabilidade dos Contabilistas Certificados no Exercício da sua Atividade Profissional”. Coimbra: Editora Almedina.

 Lei n.º 2/2013, 10 janeiro.

Lei n.º 53/2015, 11 junho.

Lei n.º 12/2023, 28 marco.

Regulamento da formação profissional contínua OCC.

Regulamento disciplinar OCC.

Regulamento do seguro de responsabilidade civil profissional OCC.

Regulamento das Sociedades Profissionais de Contabilistas Certificados e Sociedades de Contabilidade OCC.

Regulamento geral dos colégios da especialidade OCC.

Regulamento de Inscrição, Estágio e Exame Profissionais (RIEEP) OCC.

Regulamento eleitoral OCC.

Regulamento de Taxas e Emolumentos OCC.

Código Deontológico dos Contabilistas Certificados (CDCC) (2022).

Estatuto da Ordem dos Contabilistas Certificados (EOCC) (2022).

Código de Ética dos Revisores Oficiais de Contas (CEOROC) (2011).

Estatuto da Ordem dos Revisores Oficiais de Contas (EOROC) (2021).