Base Knowledge
No specific knowledge is required for this u.c., however, to support the understanding of the subjects listed in the syllabus, the knowledge acquired in the different curricular units of the course is important.
Teaching Methodologies
Most of the UC comprises lectures, with a critical participation of students, and materials directly relevant in the area are also widely used.
The analysis of current and current information is also used, developing the study of real cases with the elaboration of group work, so the teaching-learning methodologies translate into the following approaches:
─ theoretical-expository;
─ active;
─ participatory; and
─ teacher-oriented self-study
Learning Results
1- Objectives
The curricular unit Ethics and Professional Duties taught to the 3rd year (2nd semester) of the Marketing and International Business degree presents itself as a multidisciplinary, comprehensive and broadband body of knowledge. Its mission and spirit is to meet the expectations of a student of business sciences of the 21st century, seeking to highlight the social importance of the functions of a professional, both in terms of the way of being in organizations and in the way of being in organizations through performance. of specific functions in a very diversified whole, framing these functions in intra-group relations.
2 – Skills
At the end of this curricular unit, students should have:
Knowledge associated with the contextualization of the ethical phenomenon today;
Identify the main theoretical concepts related to ethics, deontology and morals;
Ethical decision-making capacity in organizations;
Internalized the concept, principles and evolution of the ethical business dimension;
Sensitivity to the importance and respect of ethics in business;
Ability to understand the social importance and public interest of complying with the main ethical, deontological and axiological values of a professional in the field of Marketing and International Business
PART I: Introduction and concepts
I.1 – Contextualization of the ethical phenomenon today
I.2 – Need for ethics
I.3 – Social utility of ethics
I.4 – Sources of ethics
I.5 – The formalization of ethics
I.6 – Typology of ethical documents
1.7 – Morals (object and concept)
1.8 – Ethics (object and concept)
1.9 – Deontology (object and concept)
1.10 – Ethical rules
1.11 – Ethical behavior
1.12 – Axiology
1.13 – Human values, attitudes and behaviors
PART II: Business ethics and profession
II.1 – Definitions and objectives
II.2 – Examples of codes of ethics/deontological codes of regulated professions
II.3 – Need for codes of ethics/deontological codes in professions and organizations
II.4 – The surroundings
II.5 – Entrepreneurs, their motivations and goals
II.6 – Ethical training in the various institutions
II.7 – Problems of business ethics
II.8 – The role of public administration and political power
PART III: analysis of practical solutions for the standardization of the profession
Curricular Unit Teachers
Fundamental Bibliography
Alis, D., Besseyre des Horts, C. H., Chevalier, F., Fabi, B. e Peretti, J-M. (2014). Gestão dos Recursos Humanos – uma Abordagem Internacional. Lisboa: Instituto Piaget.
Almeida, F. (2010). Ética, Valores Humanos e Responsabilidade Social das Empresas. Cascais: Principia.
Barbosa, P. (2014). A Arte da Guerra no Marketing. Lisboa: Top Books.
Conrad, Christian A. (2022) :” Business Ethics – A Philosophical and Behavioral Approach”. Springer International Publishing. ISBN 9783030988432.
Howaniec, Honorata (2023): “Corporate Social Responsibility and Marketing Ethics: The Effects of Value-Based Marketing on Consumer Behaviour”. Taylor and Francis. ISBN 9781032329222.
Complementary Bibliography:
Almeida, F., Seixas, A., Gama, P. e Peixoto, P. (2015). A Fraude Académica no Ensino Superior em Portugal: um Estudo sobre a Ética dos Alunos Portugueses. Coimbra: Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra.
Aristóteles (2015). Ética a Nicómaco (5.ª ed.). Tradução, prefácio e notas de António de Castro Caeiro. Lisboa: Quetzal Editores.
Baynast, A., Lendrevie, J., Lévy, J., Dionísio, P. e Rodrigues, V. (2018). Mercator 25 Anos – o Marketing na Era Digital. Lisboa: Dom Quixote.
Brito, C. M. e Lencastre, P. (2014). Os Novos Horizontes do Marketing. Lisboa: Dom Quixote
HOPKINS, Willie E. (1997) “Ethical Dimensions of Diversity”. Sage Publications. ISBN 9780803972896
MAURICE, Jak (1996) “Accounting Ethics”. Pitman Publishing London
NASH, Laura L. (2001) “Ética nas Empresas – Boas intenções à parte”. Makron Books. Rio de Janeiro
TOFLER, Barbara Ley (1991) “Ética no Trabalho”. Wiley.Rio de Janeiro
Boatright, John R.(2016) “Ethics and the conduct of Business” – Pearson. ISBN 978-0134167657
Ridley, Charles R and Johnson, W. Brad (2008) “The Elements of Ethics for profissionals” – Palgrave Pegoraro, Olinto (2006) “Ética dos maiores mestres através da História” – Editora Vozes, Ltda – Brasil