Learning Results
Knowing the process of European integration in its successive phases;
Knowing the theory and techniques of analysis of processes of economic integration:
– To know how the European economy works.
– Gain knowledge about the current stage of integration and formation of an economic and political union.
I – Introduction to International Trade and Integration Theory
II – The European Integration
1. The Formation of CE’S
The levels of integration and the stages of European integration
The Single European Act and the Conclusion of the Internal Market
The European Union institutions
2. Portugal and Europe: membership, participation and future
3. The Economic and Monetary Union: the single currency
a. Understanding and Theoretical Approach
b. Transition and the Maastricht Treaty (objectives, milestones and criteria)
c. The Single Currency: the benefit-cost analysis, the current situation
d. Fiscal Policy: the Stability and Growth
e. Questions Raised by EMU
4. The Impact of Enlargement
5. The Portuguese Economy in the European context
General analysis of the key challenges for Portugal (Competitiveness,
Productivity Growth, Fiscal Policy, Social Security, Education, Health), within
the enlarged Europe and the Lisbon Strategy.
Mateus, Augusto (2013), “25 Anos de Portugal Europeu – A Economia, a sociedade e os fundos estruturais”,
Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos.
Trigo, Paulo Pereira, José Carlos Gomes Santos, Manuela Arcanjo e António Afonso, Economia e Finanças
Públicas, Escolar Editora, 2012.
Artis, M. J. and F. Nixson (ed.) (2001), The Economics of the European Union,
Oxford University Press.
Baldwin, R. E. e C. Wyplosz (2003), The Economics of European Integration,
Maidenhead: McGraw-Hill.
Buti, M. (ed.) (2003), Monetary and Fiscal Policies in the EMU, Cambridge,
University Press.
El-Agraa, Ali M. (2001), (ed), The European Union: Economics and Policies, 6ª
Ed, Harlow (Essex), Pearson Education.
Lopes, A. Calado (2004), O alargamento e a economia da União Europeia,
Lisboa, Tribuna.
Porto, Manuel (2001), Teoria da Integração e Políticas Comunitárias, 3ª ed,
Coimbra, Livraria Almedina.
Sapir, André et al (2004), An Agenda for a Growing Europe, the Sapir Report,
Oxford UP.