European Gastronomic Culture

Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

The methodology will have interdisciplinarity as its basic principle, promoting the development and training of autonomous and critical individuals. Methodology: the classes will be organized articulating moments of intervention structured by the teachers, and moments of sharing and debate around the issues under study, promoting the personal, social and cultural development of the students. The methodologies to be implemented are based on the teaching of essentially theoretical classes, where expository, interrogative and active methods will be favored, based on practical cases and research work carried out by students. During the classes, activities such as the debate of articles, presentation and discussion of works and gatherings will be developed.

Continuous evaluation

 – Attendance; quality of oral interventions; effort; critical analysis of articles; writing and oral presentation of work (60%).

– Individual written work (40%)


Evaluation by exam

 Written exam. (100%)

Learning Results

-Understand the gastronomic culture of Europe as a cultural expression and intangible heritage;

Understand the importance of gastronomy as an element/factor in development;

– Recognize the gastronomic product as a catalyst for the development and evolution of tourist products in Europe;

-Identify the main European gastronomic regions;

– Recognize rituals, traditions and gastronomic habits of the different regions;

-Characterize the different cuisines of different European countries;

– Know endogenous and traditional products from different European regions;

– Identify qualified European gastronomic products.    


– The historical evolution of European gastronomy: the Middle Ages and Trade with the East; The Renaissance and gastronomy; France and the golden century in the kitchen; food consequences of the Industrial Revolution and the Scientific Revolution.

– Concepts and definitions: Man as a reflection of food; the affective, cultural and social implications of food;

– Human nutrition today: culture, gastronomy and tourism in Europe;

– The Mediterranean Diet – Intangible Heritage of Humanity;

– Food trends and gastronomic offers;

-Characterization of the main gastronomic regions in Europe: Northern Europe; East Europe; Central Europe; Southern Europe;

-Rituals, traditions and trends associated with the cuisine of different European countries;

– The diffusion of French and Italian cuisine in the global context;

-Qualified European products.

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

Continuing Evaluation
  • - Attendance and Participation - 60.0%
  • - Individual and/or Group Work - 40.0%
  • - Exam - 100.0%




Aguilera, César. (2001). História da Alimentação Mediterrânica. Lisboa: Terramar Editora.

Brillat-Savarin. (2010). Fisiologia do gosto. Relógio d’Água.

Câmara, Fortunato da. (2011). Alimentos ao sabor da História. Colares Editora.

Fladrin, Jean-Louis; Montanari, Massimo. (1998). História da alimentação I – Dos primórdios à Idade Média. Lisboa: Terramar Editora.

Fladrin, Jean-Louis; Montanari, Massimo. (2001). História da alimentação II – Da Idade Média aos tempos actuais. Lisboa: Terramar Editora.

Keay, John. (2007). A rota das especiarias. Casa das Letras.

Sampaio, Albino M. P. Forjaz de. (2002). Volúpia: (a nona arte: a gastronomia). Editorial Notícias, 2ª edição.

Silva, Carlos Guardado da (coord.). (2007). História da alimentação. Torres Vedras: Câmara Municipal de Torres Vedras.

 Soares, Carmen; Dias, Paula Barata (coords.). (2012). Contributos para a história da alimentação na antiguidade. Coimbra: Centro de Estudos Clássicos e Humanísticos da Universidade de Coimbra.