Evaluation in Biomechanics of Human Movement II

Base Knowledge

Examination and Assessment; Human Movement Studies.

Teaching Methodologies

The pedagogical methods and strategies adopted include: exposure (T 8); demonstration/exemplification of biomechanical assessment of human movement with simulated practice between students; and problem solving (TP 17).

Learning Results

Plan, implement and adjust analysis and assessments of the strength, proprioception and flexibility using the instrumentation available systematically, safely, efficiently and decisively;

Collect, select, analyse and interpret critically the experimental data relevant to human movement;

Communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions arising from the analysis and assessment.

Possess knowledge and understanding of the analysis and assessment of strength, proprioception and flexibility and know how to apply the knowledge and understanding acquired.

Ability to collect, process, select, analyse, interpret and integrate critically the experimental data relevant to humanmovement, which supports the resolution of problems and the issue of judgments;

Possess skills to communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions arising from the analysis and assessment;

Possess learning skills in the areas of analysis and assessment approached.


Conceptual evaluation supports and analysis of strength, proprioception and flexibility.
Instrumentation on the evaluation and analysis of strength, proprioception and flexibility.
Analysis and evaluation of strength, proprioception and flexibility.

Curricular Unit Teachers




The Biophysical Foundations of Human Movement [2005]
Biomechanical Evaluation of Movement in Sport and Exercise [2007]
Biomechanics Concepts and Computation [2009]
Electromyography: Physiology, Engineering, and NonInvasive Applications [2004]
Introduction to Sports Biomechanics Analysing Human Movement Patterns [2ed 2007]
Isokinetics in Human Performance [2000]
Kinanthropometry and Exercise Physiology Laboratory Manual Tests, Procedures and Data Volume2 Exercise Physiology [2ed 2001]