Events Organization

Base Knowledge

It is intended to provide students with knowledge about management and planning tourism events. Thus, students will be able to recognize and describe the main concepts, definitions, contents and components of the organization and management of tourism presented as well as plan, organize and effectively manage tourism events (greater oriented vocational skills).

Teaching Methodologies

The subjects to be taught in the classroom will be explored based on the lecture method and analysis of various papers and case studies in the field of tourism event management, and on the active method through the organization of an event in a real context, allowing the opportunity for students to apply the theoretical knowledge and the basic technical tools for event management and production. The evaluation by final exam consists of making a single written examination of knowledge (100%) to be held in the established evaluation periods. Continuous assessment results of the evaluation parameters: a) planning and implementation of an event (50%); b) holding of one individual assessment test of knowledge (35%); c) performing exercises during classes (15%).

Learning Results

This course focuses on the acquisition of theoretical knowledge about the various techniques and practices of event management and production. It is intended that students acquire theoretical and practical knowledge, strengthening cognitive and technical skills that will support the development of personal and professional skills such as: a) To identify and distinguish different types of tourism and business events; b) To know creativity elements and approaches concerning the technical production of events; c) To design events and analyse case studies, working as a member of a team; d) To develop marketing techniques associated with event communication and publicity; e) To know working processes in producing and organizing events; f) To apply principles and techniques of business protocol; g) To develop skills in event and audience management; h) To plan an event based on the knowledge and skills acquired.


1. Tourism events conceptualization and classification 1.1 Brief analysis of the historical evolution of events 1.2 Definitions, types and event classification 1.3 Importance and impacts of events 1.4 Events in the context of current tourism trends 2. Planning tourism events 2.1 The event planning triad: Pre-event / Event / Post-Event 2.2 Event planning models 2.3 The event planning process 3. Implementation and management of tourism events 3.1 Events financial and operational monitoring and control 3.2 Team management for the operationalization of events 3.3 Public relations and protocol 4. Evaluation of tourism events 4.1 Types and phases of the event evaluation process 4.2 Complaints / suggestions management

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

  • - Exam - 100.0%
Continuing evaluation
  • - Attendance and Participation - 10.0%
  • - Frequency - 50.0%
  • - Individual and/or Group Work - 40.0%




ALLEN, J. (2000). Event Planning, Ontario: Jonh Willey and Sons.
CAETANO, J., CHRISTIANI, K., PEDRO, F., RASQUILHA, L. (2005), Gestão de Eventos.Quimera.
FERREIRA M. M. et al.; (2010). “Turismo de Eventos: análise profunda e atualizada do setor em São Luís- MA” Revista Turismo & Desenvolvimento, n.º 13/14, vol 2., pp. 577-586
GIACAGLIA, M. C. (2003), Organização de Eventos: Teoria e Prática, São Paulo: Pioneira Thomson Learning.
HALL, C. M. (1992), Hallmark Tourist Events – Impacts, Management and Planning, London: Belhaven Press.
MARTIN, V. (2003), Manual Prático de Eventos, São Paulo: Editora Atlas.
MATIAS, M. (2001), Organização de Eventos: Procedimentos e Técnicas, São Paulo: Editora Manole.
MENDES E. & CUNHA M. (2010). “Turismo, Animação e Lazer em Espaço Urbano” Revista Turismo & Desenvolvimento, n.º 13/14, vol 2., pp. 645-654.
SHONE, A. & PARRY, B. (2004). Successful event management – a practical handbook”. 2nd ed., London: Thomson.