Evironmental and Quality Certification

Base Knowledge

It is recommended the approval on the previous courses.

Teaching Methodologies

1. Oral presentation of contents in theoretical-practical classes and seminars/lectures

2. Development of projects applied to real case studies (PBL), carried out in groups

3. Bibliographic research, analysis and use of scientific information available in international journals

4. Analysis and application of national and international standards and relevant legislation

5. Collection, analysis and synthesis of data from real case studies

5. Study visits

Learning Results

1. To understand and know how to apply the different tools used in environmental management

2. To know how to implement Environmental Management Systems (SGA) and Quality Management Systems (SGQ)

3. To Develop soft skills necessary for professional activity


1. Introduction

2. Environmental management tools (environmental licensing, life cycle analysis, audits, ecological footprint, ecodesign, risk analysis, environmental indicators, labeling, ecological public procurement)

3. Environmental and quality certification

– Legal and regulatory framework

– Series of standards 9000/9001, series 14000 (ISO 14001 Environmental Management Systems; ISO 14004 Audits), Environmental Performance Assessment (ISO 14031 and ISO 14034, LCA and labelling), greenhouse gases emissions and carbon neutrality

– Environmental labels and declarations

– EMAS (Community Ecomanagement and Audit System)


4. Environmental audits (ISO 14010 series) and audits to management systems (ISO 19011)


5. Other certification systems (occupational health and safety, energy management, food safety, forest management)


6. Application through exercises and practical projects

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

Avaliação Contínua
  • - Módulo 2 - 50.0%
  • - Módulo 1 - 50.0%
Avaliação Por Exame
  • - Teste escrito - 100.0%




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