Base Knowledge
Teaching Methodologies
6.1 The methodological options will focus on three fundamental pedagogical components: oral exposition focused on the expected contents; study and presentation of works/productions; development of works under teacher guidance.
6.2 The evaluation in those modalities will obey criteria that will be explained in the statements and / or other elements presented. Continuous assessment values the student’s attendance and participation in 10% of the final grade and implies the accomplishment of 3 theoretical-practical works that will have the following weights: 1st assignment – 45%; 2nd work – 30%; 3rd work – 15%.
The exam will have a theoretical component, with a weight of 40%, and a practical component, with a weight of 60%.
Learning Results
3.1 Comprehend and develop the capacity of critical analysis on theoretical and practical studies in the field of exhibition design;
3.2 Enlarge investigation abilities in the scope of theoretical and practical works developed according to the standards presents in the conception and production of an exhibition;
3.3 Develop projects in the scope of exhibition design according to concepts that meet the dimensional, structural and aesthetical aspects.
4.1.1 Contexts of exhibition space;
4.1.1 Identification and characterization of spaces/surroundings;
4.1.2 Technical systems of exhibition;
4.1.3 Institutional promoters and recipients;
4.2 Production of exhibitions;
4.2.1 Scales and space relations;
4.2.2 Surfaces and textures;
4.2.3 Light and colour;
4.3 Project and exhibition;
4.3.1 Scales and space relations;
4.3.2 Anthropometric factors;
4.3.3 Representation systems and projection communication;
Curricular Unit Teachers
Grading Methods
- - theoretical and practical work 1 - 45.0%
- - Attendance and Participation - 10.0%
- - theoretical and practical work 2 - 30.0%
- - theoretical and practical work 3 - 15.0%
- - Practical Component - 60.0%
- - Theoretical Component - 40.0%
Bachelard, G. (2008). A poética do espaço. Martins Fontes.
Best, K. (2010). Gestão de Design – Gerir a estratégia, os processos e a implementação do design. Dom Quixote.
Britton,G. &Torvinen, S. (2013). Design Synthesis Integrated Product And Manufacturing System Design.Taylor & Francis Inc.
Brown,T. (2010). Design Thinking – Uma metodologia poderosa para decretar o fim das velhas ideias.Campus.
Cassau, B. (2021). Retail Design: Espaços onde as marcas atraem e envolvem os consumidores. Kindle Edition.
Flusser, V. (2010). Uma filosofia do design: a forma das coisas. Relógio d’Água.
Gurgel, M. (2009). Projetando espaços: design de interiores. Senac.
Hellman, A. (2013). Design Brooklyn, Renovation, Restoration, Innovation, Industry. Stewart, Tabori & Chang Inc
Moraes, D. (2010). Metaprojeto: design do design. Editora Edgard Blucher
Ramstedt, F. (2020). O Manual de Design de Interiores: Mobiliar, decorar e Estilizar seu Espaço. Clarkson Potter.