Expressive Therapies

Teaching Methodologies

This unit will focus on the articulation of content and themes of the four disciplines and artistic exercises. The sessions, which will cover the specificity of artistic fields and their subsequent integration, divided into periods of theoretical and practical activities exposure if privileging this way the observation, analysis and experimentation based on the contents addressed.
The evaluation process will be continued, focusing on the following components and weights:
1. Practical activities – evaluation of individual student performance on tasks and activities proposed in class (50%);
2. Theoretical-practical conception, in groups, an exercise in integration of artistic expressions from an artistic reference proposed by teachers (50%).

Learning Results

1. Identify the creative processes involved in active techniques of expression and communication.
2. Be able to use the elementary language arts, adapting them to the needs of the recipients, using techniques and strategies of expressions that integrate areas of the artistic process.
3. Develop targeted exercises for artistic interdisciplinary intervention in the field of health education.


1. Study and experiential experience of the contents:
1.1. Art Therapy
1.1.1. Conceptual basics of art-therapy – art and culture as related.
1.1.2. Techniques and methods of work – two-dimensional and three-dimensional practices.
1.2. Dance therapy
1.2.1. Conceptual aspects: body, relationship and expression – theoretical approaches and basic assumptions.
1.2.2. Intervention: methodological guidelines and approaches in different contexts and populations.
1.3. Drama Therapy
1.3.1 From theater to drama therapy.
1.3.2. Practical experience of dramatic elements and its implications for the promotion of personal and social well-being.
1.4. Music Therapy
1.4.1. Conceptual aspects: musical elements – influences on human behaviour; Music therapy – principles and foundations.
1.4.2. Intervention: approach to music therapy methods – his use in different contexts and populations.
2. Integration of the arts in intervention processes.

Grading Methods

Atividades desenvolvidas
  • - Practical activities - 50.0%
  • - Theoretical-practical conception - 50.0%




Berrocal, J.(2013).Música y neurociencia: la musicoterapia – sus fundamentos, efectos y aplicaciones terpéuticas.Barcelona: UOC.
Ciornai, S. (org.)(2005).Percursos em arteterapia: arteterapia e educação, arteterapia e saúde.
Ciornai, S.(2004).Percursos em arteterapia: ateliê terapêutico, arteterapia no trabalho comunitário,trabalho plástico e linguagem expressiva, arteterapia e história da arte. S.Paulo:Summus.
Leigh, L. et al. (2012). Dramatherapy with Children, Young People and Schools. Enabling Creativity, Sociability, Communication and Learning. Londres: Routledge.
Lopez, M. (2006). Arteterapia. Conocimiento interior a traves de la expressión artística. Madrid: Tutor Psicologia.
Motos Teruel, T. (2015). Teatro aplicado: teatro del oprimido, teatro playback, dramaterapia. Barcelona: Octaedro.
Payne,H. (2006). Dance movement therapy, theory and practice. London: Routledge.
Pereyra, G. (2013). Musicoterapia; iniciación, técnicas y exercícios. Barcelona: E. Robinbook.