Base Knowledge
Knowledge of Cell Biology and Chemistry is recommended.
Teaching Methodologies
In the theoretical classes will be made the general exhibition of the subjects to be taught, and the presentation of concrete examples with industrial application.
In the practical classes of laboratory and technological workshop are presented the foundations of the experimental work to be carried out, accompanied by the fermentation processes in question, discussed and interpreted the results obtained and prepared the respective technical reports.
Students are encouraged to read the recommended bibliography in advance, and specific to each particular work, and to carry out a critical and reasoned analysis of the results according to scientific evidence.
Learning Results
Fermentation Technology subject aims to provide the student with knowledge about industrial fermentation processes. It is intended that students:
1 Know the different types of fermentations. Identify the microorganisms used at the industrial level and the products obtained. Understand the biochemical mechanisms of fermentations.
2 Learn about industrial technologies of bioproducts production by fermentation. Identify the equipment used in laboratory and industrial processes, and their characteristics.
3 Use fermentation and production technologies for compounds of industrial interest. Perform in laboratory and pilot-scale fermentation processes.
4. Characterize, use and control fermentative processes.
5. Recognize and apply the techniques of analysis, cultivation, and control of microorganisms in fermentative processes.Make quantitative and qualitative evaluations in terms of the evolution of biomass, substrate and fermentation products in these systems and processes.
Theoretical component
1. Microbial metabolism and biochemical aspects of fermentations (biochemical pathways).
2. Nutritional needs, ways of conducting fermentations and industrial systems used.
3. Fermentations with production; alcohol (bioethanol – fuel, fermented beverages); acids (lactic, acetic, etc.); solvents; of microorganisms with industrial interest (yeasts, fungi, bacteria, microalgae) and probiotics; bacterial polyesters (PHA and PHB); and bioinsecticides (advances and limitations).
Practical component
Practical execution of fermentations on a laboratory scale and on the pilot scale.
Production of fermented foods (of plant origin and animal origin) with the production of alcohol and acids.
Production of microorganisms with industrial interest (yeasts, fungi, bacteria, microalgae).
Production various products (pigments, antibiotics, steroids, bioinsecticides).
Biological treatment of effluents.
Use of fermenters with built-in control systems.
Curricular Unit Teachers
Grading Methods
- - Componente teórica - 60.0%
- - Componente Prática - 40.0%
- - Exame Prático - 40.0%
- - Exame Escrito - 60.0%
LIMA, UA; AQUARONE, E; BORZANI, W.; SCHMIDELL, W. – Processos Fermentativos e Enzimáticos. In Biotecnologia Industrial. São Paulo: Blucher, 2001. ISBN: 978-85-212-0280-6. Vol. III.
HUTKINS, RW – Microbiology and Technology of Fermented Foods. 1st Ed, Iowa: Blackwell Publishing, 2006. ISBN-13: 978-0-8138-0018-9
MCNEIL, B; HARVEY, LM – Practical Fermentation Technology. England: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., 2008. ISBN: 978-0-470-01434-9
STANSBURY, PF; WHITAKER, A; HALL, SJ -Principles of Fermentation Technology, 2nd ed. London: Hutterword Heinemann, 1995. ISBN: 0750645016