Financial Accounting

Base Knowledge

Knowledge acquired in course Introduction to Accounting and Finance in the 1st semester.

Teaching Methodologies

The teaching methodology will go through classes with interactive exposition, questioning and demonstration with resolution of corresponding exercises.

The flipped classroom and collaborative learning will also be promoted, where students will have the opportunity to expose topics and share experiences.

In this way, it is intended that students learn the syllabus and acquire the defined skills.

Learning Results

The main objective of this course is the assimilation and application, by the students, of the main Accounting and Financial Reporting Standards (NCRF). In this sense, this course has the following specific objectives:

– Describe accounting knowledge acquired throughout the 1st semester, namely the accounting treatment of a set of operations linked to the current and non -current aspect of companies and to highlight those that, given their specificity, require greater knowledge of the fundamentals of Accounting.

– Analyze the financial statements, balance and demonstration of results by nature, so that students can understand their construction, as well as the assumptions that have been the basis of their elaboration, so that they evidence, “in a true and appropriate way ”, The patrimonial, financial situation and the changes that occurred throughout an exercise.

– Identify the importance of the entire theoretical support base associated with developed subjects, without forgetting the respective legal and tax aspects.

Students who attend this UC are intended to be prepared to:

a) Identify and understand the main accounting norms concerning the active and passive elements of the financial statements;

b) Recognize and measure a set of operations linked to the current and non -current aspect of companies;
c) Identify the main components of the balance and the demonstration of results;

d) To elaborate and analyze balance and demonstration of results


I – Tangible Assets
1.2 Initial measurement
1.3 Depreciation of Tangible Assets
1.4 Removal of Tangible Assets

II – Intangible Assets
2.2 Initial measurement
2.3Amortization of Intangible Assets
2.4 Removal of Intangible Assets

III-Financing obtained
3.2Types of financing
     Borrowing costs
      Subsidies (to investment)

IV-Impairment of assets
4.1Impairment of financial assets
4.2 Impairment of inventories
4.3 Impairment of tangible and intangible assets

V-Non-current assets held for sale
5.2 Recognition
5.3 measurement
5.4 misrecognition

VI – Personnel Expenses
 6.1 Monthly remuneration
 6.2 Holidays and Christmas Allowance

VII-Financial Year End Operations
 7.1Regularization Operations

7.2Results calculation operations

VIII-Income Taxes
8.1 Personal Income Tax (IRS)
8.2 Corporate Income Tax (IRC)
8.3 Accounting recognition

IX- Financial and Non-Financial Reporting

Curricular Unit Teachers




Borges, A., Rodrigues, R. e Rodrigues, J., (2014) Elementos de Contabilidade Geral; (26ª Edição); Áreas
Editora; ISBN: 9789898058874.
Gomes, J.; Pires, J. (2015). Sistema de Normalização Contabilística – Teoria e Prática. Lisboa: Grupo Editorial
Vida Económica (5.ª edição).
Gonçalves, C.; Fernandes, S.; Santos, D. e Rodrigo, J. (2020) Contabilidade Financeira Explicada -Manual
Prático (4ª Edição) ISBN: 9789897687105
Rodrigues, J. (2021). Sistema de Normalização Contabilística: Explicado. Porto: Porto Editora (8.ª edição).
Normas Contabilísticas e de Relato Financeiro (NCRF). http://www.cnc.min
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