Base Knowledge
There are no recommended background. The course is tought onthe assumption that students have never taken accounting courses.
Teaching Methodologies
The teaching methodology is theoretical-practical and interactive, with the discussion of the resolution of practical exercises, in order to capture the constant interest of students in the subject taught.
Learning Results
- Know the importance of financial accounting within organizations’ information and management systems.
- Understand the accounting model, progressively, starting with a static analysis of an entity’s assets, then proceeding to a dynamic analysis of the equity facts that will allow the construction of the Balance Sheet and the Income Statement by Nature.
- Understand concepts that shape knowledge about accounting standards (Accounting Standardization System – SNC).
After successfully completing this course, the student should be able to:
- assess the importance of accounting information and the respective recipients;
- understand accounting methods and techniques;
- understand the company’s financial statements, respective components and preparation;
- understand the assumptions and characteristics of accounting information;
- analyze accounting for some of the internal and external operations of companies, in the SNC.
1. Introduction
2. Fundamental Concepts
The aggregation unit in Accounting: the Account
Overview: the elements of the financial statements (Assets, Liabilities, Equity, Expenses and Income)
The accounting recording method: double items
Debit and Credit Laws
The diary
The Reason
The articulation between the diary and the ledger
Check Balance Sheet
Exchanging equity facts and amending equity facts
Final Balance Sheet and Income Statement by Nature
3. Accounting standardization
3.1 Accounting standardization in Portugal
3.2 Some benchmarks of global accounting standardization
4. The Concept of Accounting Period and the Importance of Accruals and Deferrals
5. Theoretical Approach to Value Added Tax in purchase and sale operations
6. Accounting for Operations
6.1 Net financial resources
6.2 Purchasing and other operations with suppliers
6.3 Sales and other operations with customers
6.4 Inventories and Biological Assets
7. The clearance of VAT
Curricular Unit Teachers
Borges, A., Rodrigues, A., e Rodrigues, R. (2014). Elementos de Contabilidade Geral(26.ª ed.). Lisboa: Áreas Editora.
Costa, C. B., e Alves, G. C. (2014). Contabilidade Financeira (9.ª ed.) Lisboa: Rei dos Livros.
Gonçalves, C., Santos, D., Rodrigo, J., e Fernandes, S. (2020). Contabilidade Financeira Explicada – Manual Prático (4.ª ed.). Porto: Vida Económica.
Gonçalves, M. (2019). “Contabilidade por partidas dobradas: história, importância e pedagogia (com especial referência à sua institucionalização em Portugal, 1755–1777)”. De Computis, Revista Española de Historia de la Contabilidad – Spanish Journal of Accounting History 16 (2), pp. 69-142.
Monteiro, S. (2013). Manual de Contabilidade Financeira. Porto: Vida Económica.
Moreira, J. A. (2019). Contabilidade – Da Preparação à Interpretação da Informação Financeira. Lisboa: Edições Sílabo.
Rocha, D., Azevedo, G., e Rodrigues, A. M. (2016). Contabilidade para Todos – Iniciação à Contabilidade (2.ª ed.). Coimbra: Almedina.
Sistema de Normalização Contabilística (SNC)