Food Biotechnology

Base Knowledge

General physicochemical and biological knowledge.

Teaching Methodologies

In classes with a more theoretical approach, there will be a general presentation of the subject to be taught with presentation of practical cases. In classes with a theoretical-practical approach, the resolution of exercises to apply the taught material will be proposed; the fundamentals of the experimental work to be implemented in the laboratory will be presented and discussed and the proposed practical activities carried out. Students are encouraged to read the recommended bibliography in advance, to interpret the results obtained in order to prepare the respective work reports.

Learning Results

Acquire knowledge about food production and processing through enzymatic and / or microbial reactions as less severe food processing and preservation techniques.

Know the main enzymes and transformations by enzymatic catalysis applied in the food industry.

Know the main microorganisms and transformations by microbial catalysis applied in the food industry.

Know and apply technological processes used in the transformation and fermentation of food.

Apply mass balances and determine the yields of industrial fermentation processes.

Identify the operational variables of control and monitoring of enzymatic and fermentative processes and carry out the necessary analyzes.



1. Enzymatic technology

1.1. Definition and nomenclature of the main enzymes used in the food industry

1.2. Advantages and disadvantages of using enzymes in food production

1.3. Main sources of enzymes

1.4. Enzyme reaction mechanism

1.5. Factors that control enzyme activity: temperature, pH and presence of inhibitors

1.6. Food obtained / processed by enzymatic catalysis

2. Fermentation technology

2.1. Main microorganisms used in fermentations in the food industry

2.2. Advantages and disadvantages of using microorganisms in food production

2.3. Biotransformation processes applied to foods and metabolic pathways of industrial interest (simplified approach).

3. Food products obtained by fermentation 

3.1. Vegetal fermented products with acid production: olives, chucrute, pickles, and vinager.

3.2. Mushroom and beer production.

Curricular Unit Teachers




Cabral, JMS, Aires-Barros, M.R., Gama, M (2003) Engenharia Enzimática. Lisboa: Lidel – Edições Técnicas.

Crueger, W, Crueger, A (1990) Biotechnology: A Textbook of Industrial Microbiology. Sunderland: Sinauer Ass., Inc.

Lima, N, Mota, M (2003) Biotecnologia: Fundamentos e Aplicações. Lisboa: Lidel – Edições Técnicas.

Lee, BH (1996) Fundamentos de Biotecnologia de los alimentos. Zaragosa: Ed. Acribia.

Moo-Young, M (1985) Comprehensive Biotechnology. vol 1 and vol 3. Oxford: Pergamon Press.

Wood, BJB (Ed.) (1998) Microbiology of Fermented Foods. vol. 1 e vol. 2. London: Blackie Academic & Profissional.


Complementary Bibliography

Henriques M (2020). Métodos para avaliação e acompanhamento das variáveis operatórias durante a fermentação, Biotecnologia Alimentar, CTESP em Qualidade Alimentar, Escola Superior Agrária, Instituto Politécnico de Coimbra, Coimbra.
