Foreign Language IV – English

Base Knowledge

Non Applicable 

Teaching Methodologies

Ao longo das aulas, serão distribuídas tarefas de cariz prático – leitura e interpretação de textos, consulta e exercícios vocabulares, exercícios práticos gramaticais e exercícios de compreensão e produção oral. Haverá também momentos de exposição teórica das matérias abordadas. A participação ativa nas aulas é estimulada, tendo os alunos que elaborar uma apresentação oral que representa 30% . Os alunos podem optar entre avaliação contínua (um teste escrito 70% e apresentação oral 30%) e avaliação final (exame escrito 100%).

Learning Results

– Consolidating the oral and written skills in English required to correctly and effectively communicating in a professional context; – Mastering advanced syntactic structures through the reading and comprehension of oral and written texts; – Increasing and mastering the use of monolingual and bilingual dictionaries when studying the contents and researching for information; – Expanding the specific lexicon of tourism with a view to communicating in a more specialised and fluent way; – Becoming familiar with UNESCO’s world heritage and being able to describe briefly some sites and monuments; – Researching tourist destinations and trends in the industry by using specialised magazines and websites; – Achieving level B2-C1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.


Create an extensive lexical inventory and revise some grammar structures which students have previously learned. The vocabulary study and expansion will focus particularly on issues providing general knowledge, directly and indirectly connected to tourism, such as national and international heritage and culture, geography, social and environmental issues, travelling, and world news and politics.

Reading material will be taken from newspapers, magazines, websites and books will be provided to the students. Reading: Pronunciation, skimming, intensive reading, meaning in context.

– Speaking: Describing sites, interacting verbally, discussing given topics.

– Writing: Summarising, translating.

-Vocabulary expansion: employment, accommodation, transportation, political geography.

-Grammar: phrasal verbs; inversion; verb tenses; modal verbs; prepositions; if-clauses.

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

  • - Exam - 100.0%
Continuing evaluation
  • - Individual and/or Group Work - 30.0%
  • - Frequency - 70.0%




BERLITZ, Portugal, Pocket Guide, 2010.
BONNEVILLE, PATRICK and Philippe HEMONO – The World Heritage (UNESCO’s classified sites).
HARRAP’s English Thesaurus.
HEWINGS, Martin – Advanced Grammar in Use, CUP.
LONGMAN’s Dictionary of English Language and Culture.
MACMILLAN, Phrasal Verbs Plus, Cambridge University Press. MACMILLAN’s English Dictionary for Advanced Learners.
National Geographic Traveler.
UNESCO World Heritage List (
WYATT, Rawdon – Check Your English Vocabulary for Leisure, Travel and Tourism, A & C Black, 2012.