Foreign Language V – Spanish

Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

Classes will be theoretical and practical, with the aim that students understand and produce the highest number of oral and written statements of the tourism sector.
Periodical Assessment consist in 1 performing frequency in the last class of the semester, whose weight is 70% of the final grade, and oral presentation of a working group, whose weight and 30% of the final grade.
Assessment by examination will include all the material taught in class during the semester.

Learning Results

1 – To understand oral and written language utterances on the specialized field of tourism.
2 – To produce oral linguistic utterances in specific situational contexts of tourism.
3 – To compose small texts in specific situational contexts of tourism.
4 – To properly use some of the grammar rules.
5 – Mastering an intermediate level of Spanish (A2-B1).


1 – Trade
1.1 – Shops
1.1.1 – Questions of grammar
1.1.2 – Order products
2 – Tourism for business and leisure
2.1 – Letter
3 – Tourist events: trade shows, conferences, conventions and travel managers
3.1 – Preparation of leaflets and posters
3.2 – Questions of grammar

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

  • - Exam - 100.0%
Periodical evaluation
  • - Individual and/or Group Work - 30.0%
  • - Frequency - 70.0%




GÓMEZ TORREGO, Leonardo, Gramática Didáctica del Español, Madrid: Ediciones SM, 2015.
MORENO, C. e TUTS, M. Cinco estrellas. Español para el turismo. Madrid: SGEL, 2009.
Diccionario de la Real Academia Española: