Forest Protection against Biotic Factors

Base Knowledge

Biology and Ecology

Teaching Methodologies

Theoretical exposition classes.  Fieldwork and laboratory work. Students will do guided bibliographical research and oral presentations in Portuguese and English.

In classes, thematic discussions will be promoted and students will be encouraged to participate actively.

Learning Results

Know the importance of crop enemies in agrarian systems

Identify symptoms and signs associated with mortality caused by causal agents

Identify,  patogenic agents causing damage to the main Portuguese forest essences.

Know the ecological conditions necessary for the establishment of forest pests. Understand the nature of pathogen-host relationships and the variability of plant pathogens.

Knowing pest  control measures (cultural methods; genetic control, chemical control, physical control and

biological fight)

Propose forest management measures to prevent and minimize the damage caused by biotic agents.


1 – Physiological alterations in the trees caused by biotic agents. 1.1. Notions of botany and plant physiology. 1.2. Biology of reproduction; 2. Crop damage and its economic importance. 3. Ecological conditions necessary for the establishment of pest and disease outbreaks. 3.1. Meteorology, climate and vegetation; 3.2 Relevant climatic factors in population dynamics; 3.2.1 Temperature; 3.2.2 Humidity;  4. Symptoms and signs of the presence of infectious agents. 5. Main causal agents associated with forest essences. 6. Crop pests and their economic importance. 6.1 Mites; 6.2 Insects; 6.3 Harmful factors; 6.3.1 Factors determining the distribution and abundance of insects and mites in agricultural ecosystems; 6.3.2 Effects provoked 7. Pests associated with forest essences. 7.1. Pine pests; 7.2 Eucalyptus pests; 7.3 Cork oak pests; 7.4 Other hardwood pests. 7.5 Bioecology and behavior of the different enemies of the cultures studied. 8. Control of plant pests and diseases; 8.1 Cultural methods; 8.2 Genetic methods, 8.3 Chemical chemical methods , 8.4 Physical methods; 8.5 Biological methods

Curricular Unit Teachers





ALONSO, J. P E SANCHEZ, L. 1995 – Los escolitidos de las coniferas en la Peninsula Iberica. Publicaciones del Ministerio de Agricultura, Pescas y Alimentacion

FERREIRA, M.C. 1998. Manual dos insectos nocivos às plantações florestais. Plátano Edições Técnicas. Lisboa.

FERREIRA, MC e FERREIRA, G., 1990. Pragas dos Viveiros Florestais, das plantações e da regeneração natural. Ministério da Agricultura, Pescas e Alimentação. Lisboa.

JUAN, J. 1993. Patologia Forestal . Ediciones Mundi-Presa, Madrid.

VASCONCELOS, T.; FRANCO, JC; BRANCO, M., 2008. Os inimigos naturais e a regulação das populações de fitófagos. Pragas e doenças em Pinhal e Eucaliptal: Desafios para uma gestão integrada. ISA press

VASCONCELOS, T., MACHADO, H., BONOFÁCIO, L., BRAGANÇA, H., INÁCIO, L., BRANCO, M., 2007. Doenças e pragas das florestas portuguesas. Árvores e Florestas de Portugal, 8, 129-152.  Edição conjunta da Fundação Luso Americana, Jornal Público e Liga para a Protecção da Natureza