Funcional Curricula and Transition to the Job Market

Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

The training will have a theoretical and practical orientation. The use of individual work will alternate with group work. It will use, among other methodologies, the analysis of texts and videos and practical work. The evaluation of the curricular unit will result from the combination of the following elements: appreciation of the involvement and quality of participation and individual and group work of the masters throughout the sessions. Individual work 60%; individual work (or in groups) developed in the school context (40%). This last work will be presented to the class at the end of the module.

Learning Results

With this course, it is intended to contribute to the acquisition / development of the following skills: – Enable teachers to build specific individual curricula adjusted to the level of functionality of students with SN – Prepare teachers for the improvement of these individual specific curricula, namely in the reinforcement and development of specific skills and organization of the transition process for these students’ post-school life – Know the different responses for the referral of young people with SEN of a permanent nature to after school life – Reflect on the impact of the action of educational agents in the referral of these students.


1 – Curriculum organization: developmental perspective versus functional perspective; the relevance of a curriculum in a functional perspective
2 – The development of functional curricula for students with intellectual disabilities
3 – Cooperation between professionals, parents, other family members and elements of the educational community in the joint implementation of these curricula
4 – The importance of cooperative teaching among students
5 – The transition to the after-school world – Individual Transition Plans (PIT)

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

  • - Exam - 100.0%
Continuing Evaluation
  • - Individual and/or Group Work - 40.0%
  • - Individual Work - 60.0%




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Costa, A..M et al. (1996). Currículos funcionais. IIE -Desenvolvimento Curricular na Educação Básica, vol I.
Costa, A.M et al. (2000). Currículos funcionais – Manual para a formação de docentes. IIE, Ministério da Educação.
Costa, al. (2004). Educação e transição para a vida pós-escolar de alunos com deficiência intelectual acentuada: caracterização das respostas educativas proporcionadas aos alunos dos 2º e 3º ciclos com currículos alternativos ao abrigo do DL 319/91. Ministério da Educação. HAZARD, D., Filho, T , &. Rezende (2007). Inclusão digital e social da pessoas com deficiência. UNESCO.
Vieira, F.; Pereira M. (2003) . “Se houvera quem me ensinara…” A educação de pessoas com deficiência mental.(2ª ed.). Fundação Calouste Gulbenkia .