Gaseous Effluents and Treatment Processes

Base Knowledge

Approval of Chemistry’s curricular units.

Teaching Methodologies

  • Module 1: the topics will be presented using multimedia presentations and guided analysis of underlying legislation.
  • Module 2: the topics will be successively presented, each followed by problem-solving and case studies analysis (PBL).
  • Module 3: the themes will be presented using of multimedia presentations, followed by design problems resolution.
    • The presentation of some themes will be complemented by field trips to industrial installations or virtual presentations.

Learning Results

The UC should provide students with the aptitudes necessary to develop evaluation and intervention abilities within the scope of anthropogenic emissions into the atmosphere and respective abatement systems.

The learning objectives comprise the acquisition of the following skills:

  1. Atmospheric pollutants
    • Describe the atmospheric pollutants, understand the secondary pollutants’ formation mechanisms,  and identify the atmospheric pollutants associated with the industrial, transport, and agriculture sectors;
    • Learn the effects of atmospheric pollutants on human health, functioning of ecosystems, and cultural and natural heritage;
    • Identify the main European and national legislation and understand its functioning as part of air pollution control policies;
    • Know the atmospheric pollution monitoring methods.
  2. Computations and modelling
    • Carry out calculations involving atmospheric pollutants, mastering the use of methods for conversion, normalization and adjustment, as well as the determination of emission factors;
    • Calculate the minimum height of chimneys;
    • Apply the Gaussian model of pollutant dispersion in the atmosphere.
  3. Treatment processes
    1. Understand the atmospheric effluent treatment processes: constitution, operation and integration with other systems;
    2. Size some parameters in example systems: scrubbers, adsorption towers, cyclones, electrostatic precipitators, and baghouses.


Module 1

  1. Pollutants, producers and main effects
  2. Legislation, for the management of the “Air” resource
    • International, European and Portuguese;
    • Analysis according to objectives: general, industrial, specific (CELE, etc)
    • BAT and licensing.
  3. Ambient, indoor and work air quality management
    • Pollutant monitoring
    • Techniques and equipment for the detection and monitoring of atmospheric pollutants, used during emission, in indoor air or in ambient air.

Module 2

  1. Solving basic problems involving gases
    • Calculation of concentration, conversion, standardization and normalization of gases.
    • Origin and generation of emission factors and their use for the calculation of emissions.
  2. Calculation of the legal minimum height of chimneys and related construction standards.
  3. Simple computation of atmospheric dispersion: models employed, parameters involved, and their validation.

Module 3

  1. Methods to prevent, reduce, disperse and remove air pollutants.
    • Techniques and equipment used for the purification of atmospheric pollutants.
    • Choice of the most suitable equipment system, depending on the characteristics of a given transmitter or installation.
  2. Calculation of the efficiency rate of the main types of debugging equipment and its modification by manipulating the influential variables of the sizing of each equipment.

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

Avaliação contínua
  • - Módulo 3 - 30.0%
  • - Módulo 1 - 30.0%
  • - Módulo 2 - 40.0%




See Portuguese version.