General Food Processing

Base Knowledge

Subjects of Food process technology I and Introduction to food technology II are recommended.

Teaching Methodologies

Lectures, group work and its publique presentation, practices in technological plant, pratical exercises resolution and visits to food companies 

Learning Results

Develop the following skills:

1. demonstrate to know the fundamentals of food preservation; 2. demonstrate to know the techniques, technological processes and equipment used for food preservation by refrigeration and freezing; 3. demonstrate to know the techniques, technological processes and equipment used for food preservation based on the  water content reduction; 4. demonstrate to know the fundamentals, the process and the equipment for freeze-drying of foods 5. demonstrates to know the techniques, the technological processes and the technological equipment used for the preservation of foods by thermal treatments; 6. evaluates and designs sterilization and pasteurization processes using the general method; 7. demonstrates to know the technological processes used for the preservation of foods by non-thermal processing.


1. Introduction to General Food Processing (food preservation techniques)

2. Food preservation by thermal processing (blanching, pasteurization and sterilization)

3. Evaluation and design of thermal processes using the general method (pasteurization and sterilization)

4. Food preservation by cooling (cooling systems, refrigeration and freezing)

5. Food preservation based on water content reduction (evaporation and drying)

6. Preservation of foods by freeze-drying

7. New technologies of preservation (high pressure processing, pulsed electrical fields, irradiation, etc.)

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

Avaliação por exame
  • - Exame escrito - 100.0%
Avaliação contínua
  • - Testes escritos - 60.0%
  • - Avaliação de trabalhos de grupo e apresentação/discussão dos mesmos - 40.0%




BRENNAN, J.G. 2006. Food Processing Handbook. Weinheim, Germany:Wiley-vch.

CASP, A. e ABRIL, J. 1999. Procesos de conservación de alimentos. Madrid, Espanha: Coedición A. Madrid Vicente, ediciones e Ediciones Mundi Presa.

JEANTET, R et al. 2008. Science des Aliments (3 vol.). Paris, France: Lavoisier Tec & Doc.

RAHMAN, M . S., 2007. Handbook of Food Preservation. 2nd. Edition. New York, USA: CRC Press.