Genetic Resources Conservation

Teaching Methodologies

Módulo 1 Conservação dos Recursos genéticos vegetais
Modulo 2 Conservação dos Recursos genéticos animais
Aulas teórico-práticas
É exigida a presença dos alunos nas aulas. O valor minímo de presenças para cada tipo de aula, é de 75% do número de aulas lecionadas.

Learning Results

To know the relevant techniques in the technology of harvesting, selection and conservation of plant genetic resources
To know the relevant techniques in the technology of harvesting, selection and conservation of animal genetic resource


As a result of the learning process, the student:
1. Know the molecular and cytological basis of the cell and the mechanisms and structures involved in the phenomena of heredity and the phenotypic variability
2. Know the principles of Mendel, the different intergenic relationships and the bases of plant and animal breeding
3. Know the conservation techniques of genetic resources
