Genetic Resources Conservation

Base Knowledge

Biology, and Genetics

Teaching Methodologies

To realize the objectives of the course and acquire the expected competencies, the teaching-learning process is based on:

  1. Development of the theoretical-practical component, conducted through the use of the expository method and presentation of specific materials such as videos, slides, and documentaries as supplementary information on the relevant topics (Module 1 and Module 2).

  2. Discussion of the presented topics with the students (Module 1 and Module 2).

  3. Completion of a research or practical project (Module 1) within the scope of the course (focused on the conservation and strategies for conserving and enhancing plant genetic resources), which promotes the application of the knowledge acquired in the course;

  4. Performance of practical exercises (Module 2).

Learning Results

To know the relevant techniques in the technology of collection, conservation, selection, breeding and management of plant genetic resources.

To know the relevant techniques in the technology of collection, conservation, and selection of animal genetic resources


The course consists of two modules. Module 1: Conservation and Dynamic Management of Plant Genetic Resources, and Module 2: Conservation of Animal Genetic Resources.

As a result of the learning process, the student:

1. Knows the molecular and cytological basis of the cell and the mechanisms and structures involved in the phenomena of heredity and phenotypic variability;

2. Knows the Mendel’s principles, the different intergenic relations and the bases of plant and animal breeding;

3. Know the techniques of conservation and management of genetic resources;

4. Know the strategies for conservation and improvement of genetic resources and their adaptation to organic farming;

5. Knows the legislation applied to Genetic Resources and Breeding in Organic Agriculture

Curricular Unit Teachers




Arthur, G.; Noakes, D.; Pearson, T. – Veterinary Reproduction & Obstetrics. Seventh edition. WB Saunders, London. 1998. Broers, S P. – Compendium of Animal Reproduction. Intervet International. 1993.

Ceccarelli, S., Guimarães, E. P., & Weltzien, E. (2009). Plant breeding and farmer participation. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy.

Falconer, D. S.; Mackay, C. – Introduction to quantitative genetics. Essex: Prentice Hall. 1996. Gardner, J. ; Simmons, J. ; Snustad, P. – Principles of genetics. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 8th edition. New York. 1991.

Hedrick, W. – Genetics of populations. Jones and Bartlett Publishers. 2nd edition. Sudbury.2000.

Hertl, L.; Jones, W. – Genetics: principles and analysis. 4th edition. Massachusetts: Jones and Bartlett Publishers. Sudbury. 1998. Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique – Eléments de génétique quantitative et application aux populations animales. Productions animales. Numéro hors série. Génétique quantitative. Paris. 1992.

King, G. – Reproduction in Domesticated Animals. Elsevier Science Publishers B. V. New York. 1993.

 Messmer, M., Wilbois, K. P., Baier, C., Schäfer, F., Arncken, C., Drexler, D., & Hildermann, I. (2015). Plant breeding techniques. An assessment for organic farming.