Base Knowledge
None required
Teaching Methodologies
Theoretical and practical lessons, with a set of practical work to develop during the semester in the classroom andfieldwork to survey information, carried out with use of positioning Systems (GPS). The evaluation of the module 1has a weight of 50% and is performed with a theoretical/practical test (80%) and a practical work (20%), the 2module with a weight of 50%, is made by means of a theoretical-practical test (80%) and a practical work (20%).
Learning Results
The objectives of the curricular unit result in the acquisition of 4 skills:
1 – understanding the geological and climatic phenomena with expression on the environment;
2-Recognize soiland climatic characteristics and social factors that determine the main land use systems in Portugal;
3-Meet theconcepts and methods of execution of surveys and learn the various techniques of data collection and productionof information;
4-learn about the different forms of cartographic representation and the way to produce and analyze
The syllabus for the acquisition of the skills mentioned are divided into two learning modules:
module1-understanding of geological phenomena and climate and their relationship with the environment and land use;
Module 2-using techniques and tools of withdrawals in the production of cartography
Grading Methods
- - Trabalhos práticos Módulo I e II - 20.0%
- - Teste teórico/prático Módulo I - 40.0%
- - Teste teórico/Prático Módulo II - 40.0%
- - Exame prático - 20.0%
- - Exame teórico - 80.0%
Avery, T., Berlin, G. L. (1992). Fundamentals of Remote Sensing and Airphoto Interpretation. Macmillan PublishingCompany, New York.
Barry, R.G. e Chorley, R.J. (1992). Atmosphere Weather and Climate, Routledge, 6ª ed.
Manual de Leitura de Cartas (5ª Edição). Instituto Geográfico do Exército, Lisboa
Bossler, John D. (2001). Manual of Geospatial Science and Technology. Taylor & Francis, New York.
Portugal, J. M. (1992). Introdução às Tecnologias de Levantamento da Informação Geográfica Física, Lisboa.
Carvalho, A.M.G. (1996). Geologia, Morfogénese e sedimentogénese, Universidade Aberta, 93, Lisboa, 189pp
Casaca, J., Matos, J., Baio, M. (2000). Topografia Geral, Lidel, Lisboa Instituto Geográfico do Exército (2002).
Peixoto, J.P. (1987). O Homem, o clima e o ambiente II. As variações do clima e o ambiente. Colecção o ambiente eo Homem, Secretaria de Estado do Ambiente e Recursos Naturais.
Wyllie, P.J. (1979). A Terra, Nova Geologia Global. Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisboa, 384P