Geothechnics and Stability of Slopes

Base Knowledge

Preliminary knowledge is not required to successfully attend this course.

Teaching Methodologies

Exposition by the teacher of contents related to the theoretical aspects of this curricular unit, as well as interactive theoretical-practical classes that aim not only to transmit knowledge, but also to understand, interpret and apply them in concrete situations.

Learning Results

Objectives: To develop knowledge about the various soils and rocks, transmitting general skills related to their behaviour. To know the methods of dimensioning and calculation of impulses in terrain on structures. Understand how rock outcrops and earths collapse.

Competences: To know the basic concepts in geotechnics, namely the distinction between soils and rocks, both in terms of their classification and their behaviour. Introduce the notions of risk in geotechnics, highlighting the various factors that characterize it. Distinguish the various types of terrain movement, giving special emphasis to slope stability.


1. Foundations of soils and rocks. 2. Hydrology. 3. Geological factors and geotechnical problems. 4. Geological and geotechnical hazards. 5. Slope stability. 6. Landslides and other terrain movements. 7. Stabilization of cliffs. 8. Excavation and support of trenches. 9. Observation and instrumentation systems. 10. Stereographic projection.

Curricular Unit Teachers




Earth Retention Systems Handbook – Alan Macnab, McGraw-Hill (7-8-150 (ISEC) – 13070)

Ground Anchors and Anchored Structures – Petros Xanthakos, John Willey & Sons, Inc.

Pregagens – Brito, J. e França, P., IST Recomendações na Área da Geotecnia – Ordem dos Engenheiros (in Portuguese)

Tecnologia de Fundações – Coelho, Silvério, Edições E.P.G.E. (in Portuguese) (7-8-116 (ISEC) – 08371)

Ingeniería Geológica – González de Vallejo, L. I., Pearson Prentice Hall. (7-1-237 (ISEC) – 13402)

Suggested Methods for the Quantitative Description of Discontinuities – ISRM, International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, Vol 15, pp. 319-368.

Mecânica dos Solos, Conceitos e Princípios Fundamentais – Matos Fernandes, M. FEUP Edições (in Portuguese) (7-8-159 (ISEC) V.1º v. – 14004)

Introdução à Mecânica das Rochas – Pinto, P., Universidade de Coimbra. (in Portuguese)

Geotechnical Instrumentation for monitoring field performence – John Dunnicliff, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Cadernos técnicos PROCIV no 15: Riscos Costeiros – Estratégias de prevenção, mitigação e proteção, no âmbito do planeamento de emergência e do ordenamento do território.