Gerontology Advice and Guidance

Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

This course involves a diverse methodology so that students can experience in their training what theoretically it is offered to them. Whether of the more theoretical, or in more practical lessons, will be encouraged student participation particularly in the context of the review of case studies and texts / scientific articles.
Continuous assessment consists in two taks: 1 written test (50%) and the development of an individual or group work (50%). The exam evaluation consists of a written test (100%). 

Learning Results

1. Recognize the Gerontological advice and guidance (GAG) as a professional competence of Social gerontologist.
2. Know and apply the technical skills of GAG.
3. Know the proper relational social skills and apply and adapt them in situations of difficult emotional management.
4. Develop advisory capacity and proper guidance to each case and social response, difficulties and potentialities of the elderly.
5. Develop relational skills with the elderly, families and professionals in the institutional context.
6. Know the legal framework for advice and guidance in the elderly disability situations.
7. Understand that the intervention plan drawn up by a multidisciplinary team due to prior assessment is form of GAG in terms of prevention, treatment, rehabilitation and support.
8. Understand the advice and guidance as a coaching method in gerontological intervention.


1. Advice and gerontological guidance: Social gerontologist profile.
2. Counseling models and gerontological orientation: relational and intervention models.
3. Social and communication skills: relation between social gerontologist and elder and / or family.
– The main orientations and behaviors in interpersonal relationships: passive style, assertive, aggressive.
– Enhancer communication strategies of empathy and family involvement.
– Stress related with care- causes
4. Non-pharmacological strategies of individual and group intervention (person-centered intervention)
5. Intervention plan: measure of gerontological advice and counseling.
6. Coaching as gerontological intervention: the inexhaustible capacity building elder assumption.
7. Legal framework: inability to situations in gerontological advice and guidance.
– Respect for residual will elder incapable.

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

Periodical evaluation
  • - Frequency - 50.0%
  • - Individual and/or Group Work - 50.0%
  • - Exam - 100.0%




CID (2005). Manual de Boas Práticas: um guia para o acolhimento residencial das pessoas mais velhas. Instituto da Segurança Social, I.P. Lisboa.
Fachada, M. O. (2012). Psicologia das relações interpessoais. Lisboa: Edições silabo lda.
Greenberg, L. (2014). Terapia Focada nas Emoções. Coisas de Ler. Lisboa. ISBN: 978-989-8659-44-6
Maguire, P. (2000). O manejo das comunicações difíceis. In: Corney, Roslyn (Coord). o desenvolvimento das perícias de comunicação e aconselhameto em Medicina (2ª edição). Lisboa: Climepsi.
Pereira, F. (2012). Teoria e Prática da Gerontologia. Viseu: Psicossoma.
Ramos, M. (2001). Desafiar o desafio. Prevenção do Stresse no trabalho. Lisboa: RH editora.
Ramos, M. (2005) Crescer em Stresse. Usar o Stresse para Envelhecer com Sucesso. Ambar, 2005.
Stefan P., Paula H., & Christian L. (2014). Social counselling for older people—between advice and therapy. European Journal of Social Work, 17(3), 415-432, DOI: 10.1080/13691457.2013.878314.