Base Knowledge
Basic knowledge other than those established in the application regime for the study cycle is not required.
Teaching Methodologies
The teaching methodology is based on the exposure of the main theoretical concepts in theoretical-practical classes, being later consolidated with application examples. The realization of group work in which information is collected or the application of current legislation and other rules helps to apprehend less explicit procedures in the application of management models. The use of debates in the classroom will, whenever possible, be a solution to expose and confront different ideas or methodologies.
Learning Results
– know the national and European legislation on waste management as well as information dissemination platforms;
– identify the main characteristics of waste management, transport and collection operations;
– be able to identify the main stages of a life cycle analysis and implement environmental quality management systems in organizations;
– understand the behavioral patterns of society with regard to water and waste management and know the approaches and solutions to achieve the goals;
– quantify undue inflows in wastewater drainage systems and implement measures to mitigate them;
– understand the new water management paradigm associated with the implementation of sustainable urban drainage systems.
Waste General concepts: management, transport and collection operations, properties.
Main EU directives and main national diplomas.
European waste list.
National and European statistics.
Waste treatment and integrated management models (life cycle analysis and ecological footprint).
Citizens and the environment: attitudes and behaviour, participation and conditions.
Energy and hydraulic efficiency in water supply and wastewater drainage systems.
Control of undue inflows in wastewater drainage systems.
Sustainable urban drainage systems
Curricular Unit Teachers
APA (2021). Relatório anual – Resíduos Urbanos 2020. Agência Portuguesa do Ambiente. Amadora, Portugal.
CIRIA (2015). The SuDS Manual-C753. CIRIA, London. (
Decreto-Lei n.o 102-D/2020 e posteriores atualizações.
Diretiva 2018/851 do Parlamento Europeu e do Conselho de 30 de maio de 2018.
EPAL (2017). Controlo ativo de perdas de água. Lisboa, Portugal: EPAL Technical Editions
ERSAR & ADENE (2018). Guia Técnico 24 – Uso eficiente de energia nos serviços de água.
Landreth, RE and Rebers PA (eds) (1996). Municipal Solid Wastes – Problems and Solutions. Lewis Publishers, CRC Press, USA.
Lourenço, R. (2014). Sistemas Urbanos de Drenagem Sustentáveis. Dissertação de mestrado em Engenharia Civil – Especialização em Construção Urbana.
Low impact development: A design manual for urban areas. University of Arkansas Community Design Center
Mortinho, A.F.M. (2011). Avaliação de caudais de infiltração em sistemas de drenagem de águas residuais. Dissertação de mestrado em Engenharia Civil – Especialização em Construção Urbana.
Pereira, S.M.D. (2008). Análise comparativa das medidas de mitigação das inundações por meio de soluções de controlo na origem. Dissertação de mestrado em Engenharia Civil na Especialidade de Hidráulica.
Sá Marques, J. A. A, Sousa, J. J. O (2018). Hidráulica urbana: Sistemas de abastecimento de água e de drenagem de águas residuais (4.a ed.). Coimbra, Portugal: Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra.
Valle, PO, Reis, E, Meneses, J, Rebelo, E. (2005). Behavioral determinants of household recycling participation: the Portuguese case. Environment and Behavior 36: 505-396.