Global Change and Sustainable Development

Base Knowledge

 There are no prior basic knowledge requirements

Teaching Methodologies

The Curricular Unit will be implemented through a set of lectures, individual work and group work that will result in the elaboration of a strategy for optimizing the use of resources for a specific practical case.


Lectures and the case studies will be largely supported by the professor’s research experience in the different addressed  areas.

Learning Results

Knows the impacts of the main changes that humanity will undergo in the coming decades [Climate change, population growth, degradation of natural resources, the end of cheap energy] on the quality of life and sustainability of human populations.

Understands the major sustainability strategies and methodologies for sustainability based on environmental management tools.

Acquires skills in drawing up local strategies for optimizing resource management and combating environmental degradation, leading to improved income for local populations and preservation of the environment.


1 – Planet Earth’s sustainability problems in view of the forecast of a population of 9 billion inhabitants during the 21st century.

Climate change and its impacts on water, carbon, nutrient cycles and the occurrence of natural hazards

Demographic growth and implications for the availability and distribution of resources.

Changes in land use. Impacts on resource sustainability

Degradation and depletion of natural resources.

The end of oil. Impact of the end of cheap energy.

Impact of globalization on the quality of life of populations.

2 – New opportunities for the management and conservation of natural resources, in order to improve the income of populations and promote sustainable development.

Unconventional sources of water and organic matter

Optimization of water and soil management.

Optimization of Energy Management

Curricular Unit Teachers




Lopes MAR, Castanheira EG e Ferreira AJD (2005) Gestão Ambiental e Economia de Recursos, Colecção Agricultura e Ambiente, Sociedade Portuguesa de Inovação, 102p.

Martenson, C (2011) The Crash Course. The unsustainable future of our economy, energy, and Environment. John Wiley & Sons.

Pertinent National and European legislation.