Government Accounting

Teaching Methodologies

The methodology of the course of Public Accounting is in accordance with the following parameters:

•          Classes are theoretical and practical, performing a theoretical exposition illustrated wherever possible, with practical cases.

Shall be resolved practical exercises in each module for applying the theoretical content transmitted.  


Distributed evaluation. Realization of 2 tests with 50% weighting and duration of 2 hours each.

• The students will be approved, when the weighted average of the two frequencies, resulting in a rating equal to or greater than 9.5, on a scale 0-20.

• Students who obtain the first frequency less than 8 values can not perform the second frequency.

• Shall carry out a final written exam the students who did not meet the conditions set out in the preceding paragraphs.

Learning Results

The course of Public Accounting aims to:

  • Provide students with a solid background in accounting.
  • Develop skills in the implementation of new financial and accounting systems in the public entities.
  • Understand the role and the different uses of accounting in the public services covered by the reform of financial administration of the State.
