Group Animation

Base Knowledge

Not applicable

Teaching Methodologies

Students’ evaluation will folllow the rules of ESEC’s Internal Regulation, so students can choose one of the two following types of evaluation: on-going evaluation or final examination. The final examination takes place at the end of the semester, focusing on the syllabus effectively taught and summarized. Presents itself in the form of a written test (without consultation).
The on-going evaluation will be based on students’ permanent involvement and participation in quality at individual and/ or group activities, in the work and/ or in the evaluation test (40% / 60%) to be negotiated with students in the very beginning of the semester.
Considering the theoretical and practical nature of this course, and because students involvement in the construction of their learnind is valued, strategies such as individual expositions, group work and classes run by students will be adopted. The practical component will take place in the classroom and in other contexts where possible.

Learning Results

Skills: To use non-directive pedagogies that foster autonomy, responsibility and authority of the participants sharing; To meet participatory techniques of animation and thematic discussion group, facilitating the consultation, diagnosis and assessment, organize events (seminar, conference, etc.)., depending on the objectives of Community involvement; To identify strategies,techniques and animation activities, taking into account the objectives and recipients.


1. To provide students knowledge and skills to seize and consolidate notions operative procedures and mechanisms relating to entertainment groups and preparation of meetings;

2. To understand and apply group animation techniques;

3. To learn how to prepare and conduct meetings of group work.


1. THE GROUP: Group structures and processes; the psychosociological nature of work groups: groups as work tools.
2. COMMUNICATION AS A GROUP AND DYNAMIC PROCESS: Attitudes that facilitate communication.
a) Process and criteria for the selection / application of group animation techniques
(i. Definition of objectives;
ii. knowledge of the group – structure, levels of development, size, group context;
iii. prior knowledge / mastery of techniques; iv. adaptation of techniques to the group; v. skills of the animator);
b) Group animation techniques (presentation techniques, knowledge techniques, affirmation techniques, trust techniques, communication techniques, cooperation techniques, conflict resolution techniques, evaluation techniques);
c) The preparation of meetings.

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

  • - Exam - 100.0%
Continuous evaluation
  • - Frequency - 60.0%
  • - Individual and/or Group Work - 40.0%




Baguinha, M. (1996). Dinâmica de grupo. Lisboa: IEFP.
Brander, P., et al. (eds.) (2002). Compass. The Manual on HRE. Estrasburgo: COE
Ramos, F.S. (2010) (Coord.). Educação para a Cidadania e Direitos do Homem. Material de apoio à formação. Coimbra: FR(Ed)
Correia, V. (selec. e apresent.) (2012). Técnicas de animação de grupo – Caderno de Texto. Coimbra: ESEC.
Lima, M., & Gail, A. (2011). Posso ser? Dinâmicas grupais em torno da personalidade e do envelhecimento. Coimbra: Minerva.
Monclús, C. (2014). Las técnicas del teatro del oprimido en la formación de los técnicos superiores de animación sociocultural., 20, 1-11. Retirado de
Moura, C. (ed.) (2012). Processos e estratégias do envelhecimento: Intervenção para o envelhecimento ativo. Porto: Euedito.