Base Knowledge
Teaching Methodologies
The training sessions will be theoretical and practical (with a predominance of the latter), with brief exposures of systematized knowledge, critical analysis based on texts and practical selection/ implementation and practice of group animation techniques, which will be followed by critical reflections on them.
Students can choose the assessment of frequency or examination. The frequency assessment consists of the following works: 1.
Selection, implementation and evaluation of two group animantion techniques in classroom and in accordance with the requirements of a simulation training or educational session; 2. written paper to support the work outlined in (1), containing the documentation and material susceptible of framing and reinforcing the previous work.
Learning Results
Skills: To use non-directive pedagogies that foster autonomy, responsibility and authority of the participants sharing; To meet participatory techniques of animation and thematic discussion group, facilitating the consultation, diagnosis and assessment, organize events (seminar, conference, etc.)., depending on the objectives of Community involvement; To identify strategies, techniques and animation activities, taking into account the objectives and recipients.
1. To provide students knowledge and skills to seize and consolidate notions operative procedures and mechanisms relating to entertainment groups and preparation of meetings;
2. To understand and apply group animation techniques;
3. To learn how to prepare and conduct meetings of group work.
1. GROUP: Structures and group processes; the psychosocial nature of working groups: the groups as working tools.
2. COMMUNICATION AS A DYNAMIC AND GROUP PROCESS: Attitudes that facilitate communication.
a) process and selection criteria/ application Group Animation Techniques (i. Setting objectives ii. Knowledge of the group – structure, level of development, size, group context -; iii. expertise/ prior domain of techniques; iv. To adapt techniques to the group; v. Skills of the animator);
b) Group Animation Techniques (presentation techniques, knowledge techniques, affirmation techniques, confidence techniques,
communication techniques, cooperation techniques, conflict resolution techniques, assessment techniques);
c) The preparation of meetings.
Curricular Unit Teachers
Grading Methods
- - Elements of continuous assessment - 100.0%
- - Exam - 100.0%
Aguilar, M.; Ander-Egg, E. (1988). Como dirigir una asamblea: participação eficaz. Buenos Aires: Ed Humanitas Incasur.
Ander-Egg, E. (1992). ¿Como hacer reuniones eficaces? Madrid: ICSA
Baguinha, M. (1996). Dinâmica de grupo. Lisboa: IEFP
Col. Amani (1996). Educación Intercultural: análisis y resolución de conflictos. 2ª ed. Madrid: Ed Popular
Brander, P.; Keen, E.; Lemineur, M.-L., (eds.) (2002) (2002). Compass. The Manual on HRE. Estrasburgo: COE Pub. Trad. Port.: Farol. Manual
de EDH com Jovens. Coimbra: Pub. HUMANAS
EYC (1995). Educational Pack. Estrasburgo: COE.
Francia, A.; Mata, J. (1992). Dinámica y técnicas de grupos. Madrid: Ed CCS
Fresneda, R. (1997). El juego de grupo como elemento educativo. Madrid: Ed CCS.
Quintas, S. (1998). Técnicas de grupo en animación comunitaria. Salamanca: Amarú
Ramos, F. S. (2010) (Coord.). Educação para a Cidadania e Direitos do Homem. Material de apoio à formação. Coimbra:FR(Ed)
Schutzenberger, A. A. (1986). Le jeu de rôle. 2ª ed.Paris:ESF