Base Knowledge
Teaching Methodologies
The expository method is used in presenting the theoretical basis. Active methods are privileged in a participatory and experiential form, including Role-playing; Group dynamics; Video tematic analysis, Learning by problem solving (critical thinking-analyzing clinical cases); Observation of practices in a professional context that allow joint work with other UC
The students may choose one of the following alternatives:- evaluation by attendance or evaluation by examination. In evaluation by attendance, we consider the individual performance by conducting an examination (50%) and a group work – written documment with oral apresentation (50%). In Assessment by Exam is a written test (100%).
Learning Results
Identify and manage the major geriatric syndrome.
Identify the different contexts of care and what are the responses to the needs of the elderly.
Learn to develop, coordinate and manage care techniques basic self-care and institutional care and home care.
Recognize and implement measures to prevent the risk of injury to the elderly at home and in the home or day center.
Recognize key aspects of care for the elderly in hospice care.
Projecting the team that develops health care to the elderly in an interdisciplinary context.
Addressing geriatric syndromes major.
Analysis techniques of basic care and self-care institutional care and home care.
Analysis of support tools, intervention strategies, registration assistance and gerontological care.
Presentation of the different contexts of care for the elderly (hospital, community care and continued care network), what is your reality and assists the elderly.
Principles and fundamentals of palliative and continuing care.
Curricular Unit Teachers
Grading Methods
- - written test - 100.0%
- - Group work - written document with oral presentation - 50.0%
- - Frequency - 50.0%
Barbosa,A.&Neto,I.G.(2006).Manual de Cuidados Paliativos. Faculdade de Medicina de Lisboa.
Bracewell,C.,Gray,R.,&Rai,G.(2010). Essencial facts in geriatric medicine (second ed.). Radcliffe Publishing.
Boltz,M.,Capezuti,E.,Zwicker,D.,&Fulmer,T.(2012).Evidence-based geriatric nursing protocols for best practice (4th ed.). Springer Pub.
Flaherty, E.,&Resnick,B.(2011).Geriatric nursing review syllabus:A core Curriculum in advanced practice geriatric nursing (GNRS3)(3rd Ed.). American Geriatrics Society.
Neto, I.G. (2020). Cuidados Paliativos: Conheça-os melhor. Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos.
Roe. B.,& Beech R.(Eds)(2005).Intermediate and Continuing Care.Great Britain:Blackwell
Soler,P.,&Mañas,L.(Eds).(2014).Tratado de medicina geriátrica. Fundamentos de la a Fundamentos de la atención sanitaria a los mayores. Elsevier.
Veríssimo,T(Coord.)(2014).Geriatria fundamental–saber e prática. Lidel.