Hidráulica Geral

Base Knowledge

Physics, Fundamentals of Mechanics

Teaching Methodologies

Exhibition with small active moments to ensure the internalization of content, solving exercises individually and in groups.

To promote the real application of the content, visits to the Hydraulics Laboratory.

Learning Results

Recognize the various types of liquid flows;

Identify different resistance laws for uniform flows;

Describe the types of hydraulic pumps;

Analyze a water supply network;

Describe the functioning, dynamics and interconnection between hydraulic infrastructures;

Manage the operation of hydraulic infrastructures.


1. Fluid Dynamics

Bernoulli equation; Application of Bernoulli equation; Hydraulic power; Pumps and turbines; The momentum equation; Applications of the momentum equation.

2. Flow in pipes

Shear-stress distribution across.

3. Pressure flow

Minor Losses; Pipe Systems; Pipes in series and parallel; Multiple pipes and multiple reservoirs; Pipe networks.

4. Flow trough orifices and weirs

5. Open channel flow

Classification of open channel flows; Uniform flow; Simple sections; Velocity distribution; Closed sections; Nonuniform perimeters; Gradually varied flow; Specific energy; Flow control; Classification of surface profiles; Examples of gradually varied flow; Rapidly varied flow – hydraulic jump.

6. Turbomachinery

Curricular Unit Teachers




Recommended Bibliography

Slides and class support material provided by teachers (available on the academic platform – InforEstudante)

Quintela, A. (2011). Hidráulica. 5.ª edição, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian. Lisboa. (cota biblioteca: 7-14-122 (ISEC) – 08214)

Lencastre, A. (1983) Hidráulica Geral. Hidroprojecto. Lisboa. (cota biblioteca: 7-14-91 (ISEC) – 05712)


Complementary Bibliography

Novais-Barbosa, J. (1986) Mecânica dos Fluidos e Hidráulica Geral. Volume 1. Porto Editora. Porto. (cota biblioteca: 7-14-72 (ISEC) V.1- 04556)

Novais-Barbosa, J. (1986) Mecânica dos Fluidos e Hidráulica Geral. Volume 2. Porto Editora. Porto. (cota biblioteca: 7-14-73 (ISEC) V.2 – 07037)