Hidrologia e Intervenção em Inundações

Base Knowledge

Not applicable.

Teaching Methodologies

Student-centered teaching through the JigSaw Active Learning Methodology (using the Mentimeter tool).

Learning Results

Identify the hydrological phenomena that lead to floods.

Recognize the behaviour of various types of structures in a flood situation.

List preventive measures for flood protection.


1. Hydrological Cycle

2. Watershed

3. Precipitation

4. Surface runoff

5. Floods: extreme element of the river regime

6. River basins and their components as conditioning factors for floods

7. Valley bottoms: forms, processes and dynamics

8. River dynamics and human intervention

Curricular Unit Teachers




Recommended Bibliography

Slides and class support material provided by the teacher (available on the academic platform).

Complementary Bibliography

Lencastre, A. (2010). Lições de Hidrologia. FCT. Lisboa.

Ramos, C. (2009). Dinâmica Fluvial e Ordenamento do Território. Centro de Estudos Geográficos – Universidade de Lisboa.