Base Knowledge
Teaching Methodologies
The concern is to provide to master students as a solid foundation that will facilitate understanding of the growing interdependence of the problems affecting the Corporation in a synchronic and diachronic perspective. Thus, the bibliographic research and collection, demand and use of historical sources will be privileged. It is intended to promote autonomous working practices in practical classes and practices, encouraging debate, research issues and problems and extend the programmatic issues, as well as the careful and systematic monitoring of the work and activities being developed by the master students.
Continuous/periodic assessment takes into account both the individual performance of the students, including their attendance, motivation, participation and critical reflection (20%), or the preparation of documents (40%) to be presented and discussed in class (40%). Evaluation by exam (100%) will be made through written and oral test (only if the classification 8 or 9 points).
Learning Results
Deepening knowledge necessary for their education.
Develop skills and knowledge that / will enable them not only to understand the importance of the role of history and geography in Primary / Elementary Education as perform adequately the role of teacher / a History and Geography at these levels of Teaching / Education.
Explain the situation in Portugal while meeting other people and other cultures.
Understand, further, the importance of the phenomena that marked the historical Portuguese
Equating the problems caused by human impacts on the environment and the necessary participation in actions that lead to a sustainable development.
Understanding the social, cultural, economic, political and cultural identity that mark, and the development of contemporary Portugal.
Understand the positioning of Portugal to face profound changes in curso.em underway in Europe and the World.
1. The History and Geography in Elementary Education / Elementary Education: Program of the History and Geography of Portugal on second cycle of Basic School.
2. Human action in different spaces and times: The dimensions of spatiality and temporality.
3. Events, processes, and significant interactions in the Iberian Peninsula until the twelfth century.
4. Portugal since its formation until the late twentieth century. Continuity and change and relations with the outside world.
5. Sustainable Development: From environmental and social problems to the actions of the defense and preservation.
Curricular Unit Teachers
Grading Methods
- - Attendance and Participation - 20.0%
- - Documents elaboration - 40.0%
- - Document's presentation and discussion - 40.0%
- - Exam - 100.0%
Diemer, A., Marquat, C. (Dir.) (2016). Educação para o desenvolvimento sustentável. Desafios e controvérsias. Instituto Piaget
Fiolhais, C., Franco, J. E., Paiva, J. P. (2020). História Global de Portugal. Círculo de Leitores.
Marques, A. H. O., Dias, J. J. A. (2003). Atlas Histórico de Portugal e do Ultramar Português. Centro de Estudos Históricos.
Mattoso, J. (Dir.) (1992-1994) História de Portugal. 8 Volumes. Círculo de Leitores.
Mattoso, J. (Dir.). (2011) História da Vida Privada em Portugal. 4 Volumes. Temas e Debates/Círculo de Leitores.
Proença, M. C. (2015). Uma História Concisa de Portugal. Círculo de Leitores.
Proença, M. C. (2020). Dicionário de História de Portugal. 5 Volumes. Círculo de Leitores.
Ramos, R.; Sousa, B. V.; Monteiro, N. G. (2010). História de Portugal. Esfera dos Livros.
Rodrigues, A. S. (Coord.) (1994). História de Portugal em datas. Círculo de Leitores.
Serrão, J. et al. (Dir.) (1979-2016). Dicionário de História de Portugal. 12 Volumes. Figueirinhas.