History of Theatre and of Dramatic Literature I

Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

-Detailed analysis of dramatic texts
-Analysis of theatrical iconography
-Analysis of theoretical texts

Continuous assessment:
1. Active participation in class – 10%
2. Tests, papers – 90%

Learning Results

The student should be able to:
. Recognize the different eras of the history of theater and its drama production and scenic.
. Detecting ruptures or elements of continuity between the different periods.
. To know and analyze dramatic texts of theatrical repertoire in the West.
. Know the most significant texts of theoretical reflection about the theatrical phenomenon.
. Identify and relate the different elements that contribute to the achievement of theatrical spectacle.
. Relate the text of theatre with the socio-cultural context in which it was produced.


I General considerations
1. What is Theatre?
2. From ritual ceremony to theater.
II Greece
1. Theatre and democracy
2. The festivals in honour of Dyonisus.
3. Teory of genres.
4. Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides.
5. Comedy
5.1 Aristophanes.
III The theatre in the middle ages.
1. the sacred and the profane.
IV Gil Vicente and the origins of portuguese theatre.
V The Renaissance
1. The classic canone.
2. Serlio: fixed scenes and perspective.
3. Machiavel and Beolco.

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

Continuing evaluation
  • - tests and works - 90.0%
  • - Attendance and Participation - 10.0%




BALDRY, H. C., Le Théâtre tragique des grecs, Paris : Maspero, 1991
BERTHOLD, Margot, História mundial do teatro. São Paulo: Editora Perspectiva, 2001
DANAN, Joseph; RYNGAERT, Jean-Pierre, Éléments pour une histoire du texte de théâtre. Paris, Dunod, 1997
KEATES, Laurence, O teatro de Gil Vicente na corte. Lisboa: Teorema, 1988
MOLINARI, Cesare, História do teatro. Lisboa: Edições 70, 2010
MOUSSINAC, Léon, História do teatro. Lisboa: Bertrand, s. d.
OLIVA, Cesar; MONREAL, Francisco Torres, História Básica del arte escénico. Madrid: Ediciones Cátedra, 1990
-REBELLO, Luiz Francisco, História do teatro português. Lisboa: Europa-américa. 1973
ROMILLY, Jacqueline de, A Tragédia grega. Lisboa : Edições 70, 1999