Base Knowledge
Teaching Methodologies
Although it is a largely theoretical discipline, should not, however, confine itself to the exhibition, discussion and examples of the syllabus, but seek to bring students to a more direct participation through individual presentations in the classroom to work on themes or authors previously defined.
Will be systematically analyzed dramatic texts, but also theoretical texts about theatrical aesthetics over time.
The detailed analysis of theatrical iconography should also be a constant.
Cont. evaluation: Tests, papers 90%; Participation: 10%.
Learning Results
The student should:
. Identify the fundamental dramatic texts of theatrical reportoire in the West.
. Recognize the different periods of theatre history
. Detecting rupture or continuity elements between different periods.
. Recognize the most significant texts of theorical reflection about theatrical phenomenon.
. Identify and relate the different elements that contribute to the achivement of theatrical spectacle.
. Relate the dramatic texts with the socio-cultural context in witch they have been produced.
I Elizabethan theatre.
1. public and private theatres.
2. Shakespeare.
II Spanish «siglo de oro».
1. Comedies and «Autos sacramentales».
2. Lope de Vega, Calderón de la Barca and Tirso de Molina.
3. The «Corrales» and their public.
III. French classical theatre.
1. Corneille, Molière, Racine.
IV. Portuguese theater in the 18th century.
1. António José da Silva.
V. Goldoni and the end of commedia dell’arte.
VI. Garrett and portuguese theatre reform
Curricular Unit Teachers
Grading Methods
- - Attendance and Participation - 10.0%
- - tests and works - 90.0%
BERTHOLD,Margot, História mundial do teatro. São Paulo: Editora Perspectiva, 2001
DANAN, Joseph; RYNGAERT, Jean-Pierre, Éléments pour une histoire du texte de théâtre. Paris: Dunod, 1997
CRUZ, Duarte Ivo, Introdução à história do teatro português. Lisboa: Guimarães ed., 1983.
LAROQUE, François, Shakespeare, comme il vous plaira. Paris: Gallimard, 1991
MOUSSINAC, Léon, História do Teatro. Lisboa: Bertrand, s. d.
MOLINARI, Cesare, História do teatro. Lisboa: Edições 70, 2010
OLIVA, Cesar; MONREAL, Francisco Torres, História Básica del arte escénico. Madrid: E. Catedra, 1990