Human Capital in the Hotel and Tourism Industries

Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

The teaching/learning methodology aims at facilitating the integration of contents by the students. The Curricular unit will be developed through expositive and active teaching methods:
a) theoretical sessions (under the responsibility of the teacher);
b). theoretical and practical sessions where the active participation of the student becomes important for learning to be meaningful, enhancing the critical thinking and skills for an efficient management of human capital; The evaluation will be made opting for one of the following possibilities:
1- Continuous/periodic assessment: a) participation in the realization of group works, in the course of classes: 10%
b) a final group work to be presented in class (respecting the previously constituted groups): 30%
c) A written assessment test based on the syllabus: 60%. (minimum score of 7 points)
2- EXAM: will consist of an individual written test: 100%.

Learning Results

As general learning objectives this curricular unit intends to develop comprehension skills about the managing of people as human capital in the process of creating value in organizations. Contextualized in the specificities of the tourism and hotel sectors and the functioning of organizations, it aims to stimulate comprehension skills on the action with people. It also aims to stimulate capacities decision to materialize practices that benefit the creation of organizational value. Regarding the specific goals, this curricular unit intends to develop the know-know skills: to understand the relevance of the strategic management of human capital in creating value in organizations in the tourism and hotel industry sectors; understand the management practices of people. It also aims to develop the know-how skills: develop actions supported by principles of technical expertise in the different practices of personnel management; apply diverse technical skills when managing people


1. – Contexts and strategic challenges for action in People Management (PM)
1.1- PM in the Human Capital perspective
1.2 – Current and strategic challenges for the promotion of well-being and happiness of the PM in Tourism and Hotel sectors
2.-The PM practices and the performance in tourism and hotel sectors
2.1 -Attracting and selecting staff members
2.2 -Methodologies of evaluation in the people selection
3 – The temporary work and outsourcing
3.1 – The attraction and selection of employees in temporary work companies (TWC)
3.2. – The evaluation of employees in TWC
4 – The Performance Assessment (PA)
4.1 – Objectives and methods of PA
4.2- Mistakes and problems of assessment in PA
5 – The Relevance of Internal Communication (IC) in Human Capital Management

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

Continuing Evaluation
  • - Frequency - 60.0%
  • - Individual and/or Group Work - 30.0%
  • - Attendance and Participation - 10.0%
  • - Exam - 100.0%




A metodologia de ensino/aprendizagem visa a facilitação de integração dos conteúdos pelos alunos. Os conteúdos programáticos serão desenvolvidos através de métodos de ensino expositivos e ativos, através de: a) sessões teóricas (da responsabilidade da docente); b. sessões teórico-práticas onde a participação ativa do aluno se torna importante para que a aprendizagem seja significativa, potenciando o espírito crítico e e as competências ara uma efica gestão do capital humanos.
A avaliação será feita optando por uma das seguintes possibilidades:
1- Avaliação contínua/periódica:
a) a participação na concretização de trabalhos em grupo, propostos pela docente no decorrer das aulas: 10%
b) Um trabalho de grupo final a apresentar em aula (respeitando os grupos previamente constituídos): 30%
c) um teste escrito de avaliação sobre os conteúdos programáticos abordados: 60% (nota mínima obrigatória de 7 valores)
2- EXAME: consistirá num teste escrito individual: 100%