Base Knowledge
Teaching Methodologies
In order to achieve the objectives of the curricular unit and the conference of competences foreseen for students, the process of teaching learning is based on:
1. In carrying out practical work on the given subject, namely integrative works of hydraulic and hydrological aspects;
2. In the conventional study of the subjects of hydraulics and hydrology, in the basic aspects taught, considered determinants for the performance in the exercise of the profession.
3. In the bibliographic research on subjects of hydraulics and hydrology, namely the current issues of public discussion on water systems and social issues related to water, with a view to raising awareness of the role of water and engineering in society and sustainable development.
Learning Results
The objective of this course unit is to promote, in the student who completes it successfully, the following competences identified below.
As a result of the learning process, the student:
1. Know basic concepts of hydrology and hydrological processes of precipitation, interception, infiltration, evaporation and evapotranspiration;
2. Knows the basic principles of hydrodynamics and liquid flows under pressure;
3. Know the hydraulic principles of flow with free surface and in porous media;
4. Know the principles of hydrological processes of surface runoff and groundwater flow.
The contents to be addressed are as follows:
General information on the importance of Hydraulics and Hydrology.
General laws of hydraulics: Properties of liquids. Hydrostatic. Hydrokinematic. Hydrodynamics.
General study of liquid flows. Laws of resistance of uniform flows.
Permanent flow under pressure, with free surface and in porous media.
Fundamental concepts of hydrology: Hydrological cycle and hydrological balance. Hydrographic basin. Concentration time. Return time and probability laws.?
Study of hydrological processes: Precipitation. Interception and surface retention. Evaporation and evapotranspiration. Infiltration. Surface flow. Underground drainage.
Use and management of water: The role of water in society. Political-legal framework for water management.
Curricular Unit Teachers
Grading Methods
- - Teste Teórico - Prático - 100.0%
- - Teste Teórico - Prático do Módulo 2 - Processos hidrológicos - 50.0%
- - Teste Teórico - Prático do Módulo 1 - Hidrodinâmica - 50.0%
Azagra, M.A., & Hevia, J. N. (1996). Hidrologia Florestal, el ciclo hidrologico: Un. Valladolid.
Hipólito, J. R., & Vaz, A. C. (2017). Hidrologia e Recursos Hídricos: IST Press, Lisboa.
Lencastre, A. (1996). Hidráulica Geral: Edição do autor, Lisboa.
Lencastre, A., & Franco, F. (2003). Lições de hidrologia: Fundação Armando Lencastre, Lisboa.
Musy, A., & Higy, C. (2004). Hydrologie, une science de la nature: Presses PUR, Lausanne.
Quintela, A. de C. (2005). Hidráulica: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisboa (9ª edição).