Hygiene and Safety in Laboratory

Base Knowledge

There is no recommended background knowledge.

Teaching Methodologies

Exposure by the teacher of contents related to the theoretical aspects of this curricular unit, as well as interactive theoretical-practical classes that aim not only to transmit knowledge, but also to understand, interpret and apply them in concrete situations.

Learning Results

With this training unit it is intended that the trainee is able to:

• Know and apply the fundamentals of hygiene and safety in the laboratory.

• Recognize the potential risks of using material and equipment in the laboratory.

• Store and safely handle chemical products and biological agents.


1. Fundamentals of hygiene and safety. Accidents at work. Factors that affect Health and Safety. 2. Workplace safety. Meaning and importance of prevention. Collective protection and individual protection. Assessment and prevention of risks in the workplace. Emergency procedures. 3. Basic rules and care in the laboratory. 4. Use of glassware and equipment. Physical and mechanical risks. Hazard labeling and symbols. 5. Storage and handling of chemicals. Flammable liquids. Toxic, corrosive products, with risk of explosion. Compressed gases. 6. Manipulation of biological agents. Risk assessment and prevention. Hygiene and personal protection measures. Containment measures. Transport and storage of biological agents. 7. Elimination of material and waste. Collection of biological waste. Solid and liquid chemical waste. Radioactive waste. Classification of solid waste. Waste labeling.

Curricular Unit Teachers




National Research Council of the National Academies (2011). Prudent Practices in the Laboratory: Handling and Management of Chemical Hazards, Updated Version. The National Academies Press. Washington, DC (Disponível no NONIO IPC)

National Research Council of the National Academies (1989). Biosafety in the Laboratory. The National Academies Press. Washington, DC (Disponível no NONIO IPC)

Núcleo de Segurança, Higiene e Saúde (2016) Manual de segurança para Laboratórios, Instituto Superior Técnico – Universidade de Lisboa, Lisboa (Disponível no NONIO IPC)

Miguel, A., (2014), Manual de higiene e segurança do trabalho, 13.ª ed. Porto Editora, Porto. (Disponível na Biblioteca do ISEC: 2A-11-33 (ISEC) – 06650)

OHSAS (Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems),18001:2007 / NP 4397:2008 – Sistemas de Gestão da Segurança e Saúde do Trabalho. (Disponível no NONIO IPC)

Decreto Lei n.º 102/2009 de 10 de setembro, 2009 (pgdlisboa.pt/leis/lei_mostra_articulado)

Decreto-Lei n.º 73/2011 de 17 de junho, 2011 (Disponível no NONIO IPC)