Base Knowledge
Teaching Methodologies
The classes, theoretical and practical, will have the contribution of the teacher and students.
The teacher: explanation of the program contents; promotion of practical and reflection activities illustrating programmatic topics; student orientation in the research, construction and exploration of various materials; support in carrying out student work projects.
Students: participation in practical activities and reflection triggered in class; exhibition of dissertation and research papers; construction and exploration of various materials, analysis and case-oriented resolution in the light of the models discussed.
The assessment will comply with the regulations applicable to the course. The continuous assessment scheme will include two individual written tests (75%) and elements of continuous information (work done, attendance, participation, involvement…) (25%). Exam assessment is ugly through written exam.
Learning Results
This curricular unit (CU) is intended to be introductory to master course and give students an overview regarding areas of disturbance beyond the area of expertise: the cognitive and motor problems
At the end oft this CU students must:
– Get to know and understand the current philosophy of educational and social inclusion of children with special educational needs (SEN’s) as well as the fundamentals that justify them;
– Display attitudes consistent with existing forms of perspective the issue of education of children with SEN’s in the spirit of collaboration with other professionals and close connection with the family;
– Mastering the key legal standards applicable to school inclusion of children / students in the Portuguese education system;
– Being able to characterize the main frames of exceptionality covered in this discipline;
– Be able to plan and implement, critically and consciously, forms of education adjusted to these individuals.
Keywords: special educational needs; special education; inclusion; global development problems; motor problems; intellectual disability; learning problems; giftedness
1. Brief History of Special Education
2. From integration to inclusion
2.1.Concept and fundamentals of integration
2.2. Inclusion: Principles, Policies and Practices in the area of Special Needs Education
3. Legal documents supporting the insertion work of children / students with SEN.
4. Parents and family with children with SEN
5. Some disturbances and main features; intervention processes
5.1. Sensory problems
5.1.1 Hearing impairment
5.1.2. Visual impairment
5.2. Behavior problems: the particular case of the individual with ADHD
5.3. Learning problems: difficulties and disorders
5.4. The giftedness
Curricular Unit Teachers
Grading Methods
- - Attendance and Participation - 25.0%
- - Frequency - 75.0%
- - Exam - 100.0%
ALMEIDA, M. (2005). Caminhos para a inclusão humana – Valorizar a pessoa, construir o sucesso educativo. Porto: Edições ASA.
BAKER, B.; BRIGHTMAN, A. (2009). Passos para a autonomia. Ensinar actividades diárias a crianças com necessidades especiais. Lisboa: I. Piaget.
CORREIA, L.M. (2005). Inclusão e necessidades educativas especiais – um guia para educadores e professores. Porto: Porto Editora.
LOPES, J.; RUTHERFORD, R.; CRUZ; M.; MATHUR; S. & QUINN, M. (2006). Competências sociais: aspectos comportamentais, emocionais e de aprendizagem. Braga: Psiquilíbrios Editora.
MORGADO, J. (2009). Educação inclusiva nas escolas actuais. Contributo para a reflexão. In Actas do X Congresso Galego-.Português de Psicopedagogia. Braga: Universidade do Minho, pp 104-117.
PEREIRA. F. (coord.)(2018). Para uma educação inclusiva.: Manual de apoio à prática.Lisboa: Ministério da Educação/DGE.
McWILLIAM, R.A (Org.) (2012). Trabalhar com as famílias de crianças com necessidades especiais. Porto: Porto Ed.