Industrial Automation

Base Knowledge

Digital systems.

Teaching Methodologies

In the theoretical classes, a theoretical exposition of each subject is made. In theoretical-practical classes, theoretical concepts are associated with the resolution of theoretical-practical exercises and the presentation of equipment used in maintenance operations. In the laboratory component, illustrative laboratory analyzes of practical applications are carried out and specialized practical work is carried out.

Learning Results

Design, execute and maintain industrial automation systems. Program automatons and industrial electrical and pneumatic equipment. Ability to propose technical solutions to the employer or client. Ability to choose technical solutions and their arguments to the employer or customer in the scope of automation. Ensure smooth operation and also maintain robotic systems. Apply and program simple vision systems. Develop supervisory systems using HMI systems.


1. Pneumatic controls

 1.1 High-Pressure Pneumatics

 1.2 Low-Pressure Pneumatics

 1.3 Electric circuits for controlling pneumatic circuits

 1.4 Applications



2. Programmable automata

 2.1 Principle of operation and Programming

 2.2 Programmable automata programming software

 2.3 Industrial interface terminals and respective programming software


3. Robotic Systems

3.1 Principle of Operation and Programming

3.2 Online and Offline Programming Software.

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

CF = Avaliação 1 +Avaliação 2
  • - Avaliação 2 - 25.0%
  • - Avaliação 1 - 75.0%




J. Norberto Pires  (2019) Automação Industrial (3ª Edição), ETEP – Edições Técnicas e Profissionais


António Francisco (2022) Autómatos Programáveis, (5ª Edição), ETEP – Edições Técnicas e Profissionais


Paulo Oliveira (2008) Automação Industrial, (1ª Edição), ETEP – Edições Técnicas e Profissionais